Question about PTO


Flame On!
I went to the website and went to the download page. I saw a number of downloads there. Does Build 1.4 supersede all of the rest, or do you have to install them all?

I went to the website and went to the download page. I saw a number of downloads there. Does Build 1.4 supersede all of the rest, or do you have to install them all?


:kilroy:Cameljockey, PTO Build 1.4 is the basic game install. You need that installed before you can use the updates. The updates available from the Korean Skies site are: 1.10, 1.13, 1.22, 1.30, and 1.40. There is also a 1.54 update for PTO, and the link used to be right here at SOH. I haven't seen it since the crash.:d
Thanks Grizzly. I usually fly OFF but I like a good romp in the hot rods from time to time. I do like my Corsairs!
