Question about the freeware Yak-18 addon


Hi all,

I'm posting this in the FS9 topic because, even though I use it in FSX, this plane is an FS9 plane and I want to hear the FS9'ers experience with it.

I heard that the Yak-18 had no steering wheel in real life. I imagine that the plane was being controlled on ground via the differential brakes then, right ? However, in FSX it seems that those differential brakes are not efficient at all, and the plane is more or less impossible to taxi on an airfield. How it is in FS9 ? Can you control this bird on the ground, or do you have to edit the front gear characteristics in the aircraft.cfg ?

It's not actually installed on my active FS2004
Anyways I used it for a time.
It's some to read there ......
This plane has brake(s).
The tricky thing (and primordial) is the pneumatic system on this plane.
That's a russian design and as many FS2004 russian planes .. the manual must be read from A to Z (EG the famous Tupolev 154M
The flight manual is a PDF bible of 47 pages:
For understand the labels of instruments ..etc .. it's a good english description of all in:
This plane require a long learning curve .... it's not one "jump in ... fly it"

This can be time consumming and not all have so free time I rekon.
I'm learning it slowly .. actually on the ground

But thank's to napamule I can also jump in and fly it

At least this plane can be flyied by one pilot ... in the case of the TU-154 you need 6 hands .. lol.
Hi Daube,
I've had the plane installed in FS9 for some time, and have never had any great difficulties taxiing. The pneumatic system must be energized, as claudis' post pointed out...otherwise the brakes/gear/flaps will fail to work and ground steering will be almost impossible, since steering is accomplished entirely through differential braking and rudder. The nosewheel is indeed castoring, and in FS9 the Yak's aircraft.cfg is setup by default to mimic this. Perhaps there is an issue with the pneumatic system modeling/effectiveness in FSX?
I'll take another look to the manual, but unless I missed something, I can't see anything I could have forgotten to swith ON in the plane.
Everything works well in fact, excepted the nose wheel steering.

EDIT: I didn't see the last post.
Yes indeed I think the pneumatic system must be suffering a bug in FSX. It is switched ON, the flaps and gears are deploying and retracting without poblems.
Hello Daube, I just flew my Yak in FSX. The steering worked well. It has been a while since I did some work on the aircraft but here is my current contact points. I am pretty sure I changed the steering angle but I am not sure what else. Also, there were some updates for the airplane that I found a bit too troublesome so I went back to the original install. Hope this helps. Let me know either way.

Happy landings,

static_pitch = 2
static_cg_height = 4.5
tailwheel_lock = 0
gear_system_type = 0
max_number_of_points = 7
// gear speed limit 200km/h or 108 kts real
point.0 = 1, 5.15, 0.0, -5.01, 900.0, 0, 0.66, 60.0, 0.2, 2.2, 0.6, 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 115.0, 130.0
point.1 = 1, -1.36, -4.82, -4.95, 1200.0, 1, 0.82, 0.0, 0.3, 2.5, 0.7, 5.2, 4.8, 2.0, 115.0, 130.0
point.2 = 1, -1.36, 4.82, -4.95, 1200.0, 2, 0.82, 0.0, 0.3, 2.5, 0.7, 4.8, 5.2, 3.0, 115.0, 130.0
point.3 = 2, -0.2, -18.31, 0.3, 1200.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0
point.4 = 2, -0.2, 18.31, 0.3, 1200.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0
point.5 = 2, -16.25, 0.0, -0.049, 1900.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0
Hi John,

Thanks for those lines, I will give them a try tonight.
There is indeed an update, version 2.2 or something like that, and it's installed already.
It is very likely that FSX simply doesn't understand the coding behind the pneumatic brakes.
As soon as you set a steering angle in the contact points the plane should act like a "normal" plane with steerable nose gear via rudder inputs.
That is the quirk you have to accept when porting over some of the more advanced FS9 airplanes into FSX.