Question: Any other ex-bomber "executive transports" available?

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Question: Any other ex-bomber "executive transports" available?

What I mean are converted/adapted "executive transports" made from WWII medium bombers. We have the Howard 500 and the On Mark and LAS Invaders, but there were others as well; I have seen pics of real-world Marauders and Mitchells similarly stripped of weaponry and with civvy-street paint jobs. They'd go perfect in my early-'60s FS environment. I'd do some myself but I am for some reason completely inept in 3d modeling despite years of off and on trying.



Something like these ladies. Ain't they purdy? Much more fun than a Citation, that's for sure!
The problem in doing retired and rebuilt bombers is in obtaining the source code so that you can remove the weapons and make changes necessary for it to be an executive aircraft. We have been fortunate that Milton has made several military aircraft with civilianized versions.
I cannot remmember for sure but didn't Miltons Grizzly come with a civilian model.

Samdim's Tu-114 isn't a true mil-civ conversion, but it's about the closest thing I can think of to a civilian pilot flying a heavy bomber.
There's a Lancastrian over at Flightsim and also you'll find that the now freeware Alphasim Halifax has a civilian conversion included in the pack

Kind regards

Grizzly: Have it, LOVE it, use it as a fast courier.

Lancastrian: Have that too, as well as the related Manfred Jahn Avro York.

Halifax: Have that too; at BritSim there is a pack that also has revised Halton models (solid nose and tail, etc.).

Samdim Tu-144: I did a Trans-Canada "white-top" repaint for it; have to find it and reinstall. I also have been doing a "westernized" cockpit with English labels and instruments. Should get back on that. In lieu of the actual sim (it's somewhere in my back storage after three system rebuilds), here's a profile I did years ago for the What-If Modelers site:


The model looks similar with a few tweaks. The -114 is another Soviet beauty. What a beast. Prop powered and still cruises at M0.76-M0.80 at FL300+ The soundpack is awesome, too; had to disconnect my subwoofer as the bass from the Ivchenkos was disturbing my downstairs neighbours...:cool:

Yeah, I completely understand the difficulty in doing mods. I was just hoping someone had the same idea I did. Is OK, though; the HW500 and LAS-26 can keep me busy.
If you find your Trans Canada repaint, would it possible to post it here? Would be great to have that one for the mighty Tupolev!
I'm looking! It's sort of like an archaeological dig; I have four HDs and some stuff is spanned across them. I've had some messy reinstalls.
Always enjoyed flying this beautiful beastie. Definately can see some lineage related to the Tu-95/142 "Bear". Upload your excellent repaint Rallymodeller, if you can find it... the 144 looks superb in Canadian livery :salute:.

Well that finally explains the state of my recent deliveries ... dropped from a BUFF at 36000ft. :salute:

I do like the Tu-144 in Canadian dress .... it's the second prettiest airplane in my book after the Connie and that TCA scheme looks just gorgeous on her.

Hm. I do seem to recall those B-52s. Had an idea abut using older BUFFs as cargo haulers using specialized containers for the weapons bay and wing hardpoints...

In any event, I did find the -114 textures. They need a little tweaking as they were done when my reskin ability was at a somewhat novice level. Working on 'em now, should have 'em (TCA and a CPA one I found at the same time) up by the end of the weekend.
In any event, I did find the -114 textures. They need a little tweaking as they were done when my reskin ability was at a somewhat novice level. Working on 'em now, should have 'em (TCA and a CPA one I found at the same time) up by the end of the weekend.

Interesting thread and paint(s). When Aeroflot first brought the -114 to Montreal before beginning regular (short-lived and interrupted) service, they had one in for PR purposes. My dad worked for TCA at the time but through other means (cough, cough) I got an invitation to be part of a special tour of the aircraft. Remember this was the mid- '60's and Soviet a/c were still rare in the west. They took the group out and we thought it would be 'just a pax demo' but they gave us free reign - tail to nose - with crew answering questions freely (mostly). Even showed us the radar-based "maps" they used for trans-Siberian navigation!

Question: "why is the paint all worn off the bottom of the instrument panel on both sides?" Pilot sits in seat, puts feet on lower dash, grabs wheel, pulls and says "No power boost!"

This, when both CP and TCA are operating brand new DC-8's :icon_lol:.

Oh how I wish they had allowed photos forward of the galley, but "nyet".

Yes, the TCA scheme looks great and I can happily imagine the CPAL one!
It was a wonderful time for 'spotting' in CYUL .. both the a/c in the lead pics ( B-25 & -26) were thru, along with a couple of others... George Mecom's B-23 Dragon, just about every A-26/Marksman, a B-18 ( can't remember which), Spartan's survey Mossies...
FS-Cast "civil" B-17G

FS-Cast produced a payware B-17G with a de-militarized model (sans guns & turrets). It flys well and is a very nice effort, almost as good as the A2A version. I fly both. Also note that TWA flew a civil B-17G as a 299AB shortly after WWII. That would be an unusual repaint.

Opps! The FS-Cast B-17G is an FSX only creation ... not for FS9. Please excuse.