If you can somehow get Aircraft Container Manager or 'ACM' as its known as these days, you can add in the 'aircraft geometry' into your aircraft. This is massively important and will show you some of the terms meanings with an actual 'picture' of the plane with the values in entry boxes. You can then adjust the wings and also show the polygon layout of the wing area's so you can adjust to actual shape. (This is 'only' in the aircraft geometry section though, things like wingspan, htail height from datum, etc).
The Tailwind uses the J-3 Cub airfile templates, and in it, they have somewhere in the airfiles, a value for winglift. We didnt know where or why the tail was flying so high in the back of the plane at speeds over 90 knots. What I found is that lift, somewhere in the airfile is stated as HUGE, and probably written in a table. I found the value by mistake by cancelling lift in the Flight Tuning section and the tail came down. (I had been looking for a value that caused excesslive lift in the horizontal (htail) elevator structure.
Long story short, you can do these for many many years and still run into snags and mysteries with airfiles. They are very difficult, mind bongling at times, and are similar to the game 'Pick up Sticks' where you have a ton of sticks in a tower or pile, and in moving one stick you will usually move several other sticks.. Same with FM's. You can make one change to something, and bing! you just changed 5 other values.. (or more... ).
No wonder they call FM tuning a 'black art'.
That probably doesnt help, but at least you have a better idea of what to expect in working with airfiles. Dont be daunted though. Steady on!
If your plane is freeware, get the tool/program/payware called AirWrench at Flight1.com Awesome program! By Jerry Beckwith. Just cannot use this for payware.
Note to Jerry if you are watching. Have you thought of doing a commercial version of AirWrench for us payware guys?