Question for Milton


Born to fly...
Hello Milton :wavey:

I am repainting your Grizzly as an (totally fictitious) Spanish Air Force aircraft, and thanks to the paintkit this is not a big deal :applause:, however, I cannot locate the texture for the propeller hubs to change their colour.

Can you please indicate where I can find it??

Here is a screenie of the WIP so far, hope you like it
Also I would like to thank you for the series of wonderful aircraft you produce, I seriously enjoy all of them, congratulations. :icon29:


Thank you for the kind words, and we will all appreciate any new textures you provide. This one is looking great!

The Chrome hub texture is only in the post war model; the other models have the spinners.

The hub texture is chromespinner_t and can be found in the folder.

I hope this helps.
Thanks Milton,

You beat me to it.

But you got it from the horse's mouth Ascua and that is looking great. :applause:

Bingo!!! :ernae:

Thanks, Milton and Cazzie, also it seems to work with the rest of the models.

Excellent, now, let's see what can I concoct :isadizzy:
