Question for Milton

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Charter Member 2016
I'm in need of your wisdom oh mighty Guru:salute: I have a tri-motor (CR-1 Ford) over in fsX that I want to use your awesome Avia 51 sound set on and I'm getting an odd thing happening which I can't figure out. When I fire up the Avia 51 (in fsX) the startup effect matches the engine being started --port engine generates the flurry of smoke, center engine then starboard in sequence.

However in the CR-1 Ford I get port smoke when the starboard engine fires and vise versa. Actually this cross talk occurs in the Ford regardless of the system I use which means to me (in my limited knowledge) the sound file doesn't control the sequence. Therefore it must be either the aircraft.cfg or the actual airfile. Can you please point me in the proper direction?

The visual is rather pronounced/odd:isadizzy: since I'm also using your new awesome Grumman startup effect.

BTW, the Avias and the Grummans all work/look fantastic in fsX.
As I recall, the Ford uses the center (fuselage) engine as #1 and therefore throws off the conventional wisdom. :)

You can test that by selecting each engine to start with shift+e, 1, or 2, or 3.
If memory serves, I believe you can go to the small section in aircraft.cfg where the engine locations are listed and reorder them to match the Avia.
Thanks guys. I'll give it a whirl, or rotation, or spin -- which ever works. It's not a biggie, just looks weird.
It worked! The default order was Engine.0=left, Engine.1=center, Engine.2=right. I swapped the outboards to right, center and left. Now the proper engine pollutes the tarmac in dramatic fashion. Thanks for the help.