QUESTION for reflective texture and alpha channe, lFS9.cfg


Charter Member
Hi everybody, Question: does anyone know the parameter in FS9.cfg, which makes it possible to make useful the envmap file, in the texture main folder, relative to the reflective effect of the textures of an aircraft, operational when it is equipped ?

In fact, I do tests and research ...
If it's a global issue, go to the main menu and Settings > Aircraft tab, end check that the Reflections box is checked, if it's already checked, you may need to enable reflective textures in your graphics card. You also need at least DirectX 9 for FS9 to display reflections. If it's just one plane, then it's a model issue. Model materials can either use alpha for reflections or transparency, but not both.
If it's a global issue, go to the main menu and Settings > Aircraft tab, end check that the Reflections box is checked, if it's already checked, you may need to enable reflective textures in your graphics card. You also need at least DirectX 9 for FS9 to display reflections. If it's just one plane, then it's a model issue. Model materials can either use alpha for reflections or transparency, but not both.

Thank you Tom for your answer. It was global. The function that works with the envmap file has fallen. In fact I used CFS2 with the same computer, on a separate hard drive, and after that FS9.cfg found itself disturbed, also losing function keys. Fortunately I had several different backups of the FS9.cfg, I have repaired everything, but I am trying to understand this phenomenon. I tested it several times, with different aircrafts.:dizzy:... Disturbing, but not serious...No big worries... I'm just curious...

:ernaehrung004: ...