Hi Snuffy, (are you the Snuffy of B17 the mighty eighth fame?) ...
... Firstly The stock cfs3 airbases are awful and the locations of many aren't even close. I reckon that M$ used the plans of some Mid-western chicken farms to base theirs on.
However a few of us have tidied up the UK to start with and CFS3/ETO now has best RAF airfield representations in any combat flight sim (for true fidelity the user addons in FS9/FSX are the best). ...
... The next stage is getting some better representations for the LW airfields. We have one at present - Lorient - which will appear in 1.3 and later this year some BoB era ones for the Pas de Calais area.
They're not hard to make, with practice a basic layout can be knocked out in a few hours so if you fancy having a go step right up!