question for tracIR users


Staff member
so in the past ive used it,and always had to have my room light from behind,be it a window or a light,im using my 86inch tv and sit on my couch to fly,behind my couch i have a sofa back table with a lamp on it.i use the color changing TPlink lights,is there a color i can change it to that the tracir wont get confused (if thats the right word) by?

ya,yellow,blue,green? i have to close my shades or it wont work at all.
I'm not sure whether or not there is a colour that will be more or less visible to TrackIR but if you haven't already, I would try adjusting two settings in the TrackIR software itself. I should note, the following advice is only useful if you are using the reflective doohickey and not the Track Clip Pro.

In the camera tab, try adjusting your Light Filter Threshold and your IR Brightness settings.

If you right click on the right side of your screen, the big black boxy-dome-thingy that shows where you are looking, you should see an option that says Camera View. This will allow you to see what the camera sees and is very helpful in determining how Light Filter Threshold and IR Brightness should be set.

The lower the Light Filter Threshold, the more light the camera can see and vice versa. The higher the IR Brightness, the more infrared light is emitted from the TrackIR "camera". It's all very intuitive if you adjust those settings with the Camera View.

So I would sit where you usually sit with your usual lighting conditions and try to adjust the two settings I mentioned so that they filter out any of the light coming from elsewhere in the room.
ok thanks,i now remember those two settings from before,been a good 4 years ago and my memories seem to go back a week or two,,then skip back to the 80s and early 90s lol

thanks again
Yeah, went to fly last year around Christmas and my TrackIR went crazy, finally figured out it was the Christmas tree behind me, LOL. :biggrin-new: