Question re MAW contol options


Charter Member
Has anyone had problems setting joystick/throttle control options in MAW? I have a Saitek X52 game controller system. I am able to program many of the buttons/switches, but several of them (e.g. the series of switches at the base of the joystick) simply don't work. I can set them in the control opitions menu, but when flying, nothing happens when they are activated.

I don't have this problem at all with ETO, PTO, stock CFS3, etc. I can set them all without a problem.

Hi wsmwsm

The only suggestion I can give You is to copy in the appropriate MAW directory the .xca file (joystick settings) from one of the other expansions where the settings works, sometimes that is the solution.

Good luck :wavey: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"
Hi wsmwsm

Happy to know that it worked for You too but I am not the genius as that discover was made by my Friend MOG_Aracno so it's him that earn your thanks.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"
The only suggestion I can give You is to copy in the appropriate MAW directory the .xca file (joystick settings) from one of the other expansions where the settings works

I have the same problem in MAW. can you explain this fix in more detail?
I have the same problem in MAW. can you explain this fix in more detail?

:kilroy:MTG196, simply do this. Follow this pathway: Documents and Settings/User Name (Your Name)/Application Data*/Microsoft/Combat Flight Simulator 3.0 (or any of your other CFS3-based installs).

*Note: If you can't see Application Data, as it is a hidden folder, simply look at the top of your Windows browser for the tab named "Tools". Then click on "Tools" and select "Folder Options...". Now look for a tab named "View". Select view and look down the list until you see a small folder icon that says (Hidden files and folders next to it. Check the button named "Show hidden files and folders". Then click Apply and then OK.

Now go into that folder in Application Data and look for a file that ends with *.xca. One is automatically named "CFS3.xca". If there is another that you named, copy it into your MAW folder. This is the best way I know of to keep the same joystick settings in all of your installs. Good luck.:d
Let me give it a try.

Thanks to cristiano's suggestion, what I did was copy my control options (XCA file) from ETO to MAW.

I run Vista, so it may be different from you, although XP is similar. If you have created a set of control options for your joystick in some version of CFS3 (other than MAW) and given it a name (by hitting the "Save Configuration As" button), then you should have a file somewhere with that name followed by the term "XCA file." (In my case, I called it "My Joystick Controls".) In Vista, the file is contained deep within the "App Data" folder and can be found with this pathway: User name/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/CFS3 ETO Expansion _____/My Joystick Controls (or whatever it's named).

Once you find that, copy the XCA file to the desktop and then give it another name so you'll remember it. Then copy the renamed file back to the same place . . . but this time following the pathway to MAW, not the ETO Expansion (or whatever file you copied it from).
That trick works with the others, too - except uisel! ConfigOverrides.xml is one where simply moving it over from one to the other is helpful - you set it up once for hi-res and your favourite other settings, and simply paste it into each install's folder. Easy!