Question re Windows 7


Charter Member
I know there are some posts (generally) on this topic, but just to make sure, does CFS3 work with Windows 7? I realize there may be multi-players issues, but does CFS3, ETO, MAW, PTO, etc. work with this operating system?
Hi as Blacksheep noted we have a fix for CFS3 now. I am going to see if I can install and test ETP, PTO, OFF and MAW for multiplayer in the next few days.

I will check back in


Multiplayer aside, has anyone run W7 successfully with MAW, ETO, etc.? Just the basic operation.
Multiplayer aside, has anyone run W7 successfully with MAW, ETO, etc.? Just the basic operation.

I am going to test as many as I can this evening. I will do non MP first and update as I get results. After that I will test MP

