Question Regarding Legacy Reflections


Charter Member
Greetings all,

I purchased the DX10 fixer right after it went back on sale in the autumn, but wasn't able to install until the holidays. My experience with it has been fantastic! As so many others have said, it's not the "holy grail" of FPS, but my "decent" system (with an admittedly slower CPU) now runs FSX at a very stable 25-30 FPS. I am VERY happy with the results! All that and VC shadows . . . simply awesome. Thank you Steve! :guinness:

My question is related to the Legacy settings section of the fixer itself and the DX10 Compatible Reflections button specifically. My button is grayed-out, indicating that my related environment textures have been modified. However, I can't find in the manual which actual files it refers to. I don't know that I've ever intentionally modified mine, but not knowing which file(s) it checks, I'm not sure how to correct the issue. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, my hat is off to Adamski_NZ and those who participated in the DX10 How-To. Having that was indispensable in getting the most out of Steve's Fixer. Thank you SOH DX10 Team! :encouragement: :star: :applause:

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Hey - thanks for the thanks! I'm about to do some updating to the dreaded "How-To" so watch this space!

The Fixer has been a Godsend to me (and my ancient FSX system) as I'm more into the visuals of the FSX world than "procedures". The Fixer is such a clever piece of work - it's been a pleasure ploughing through it for the sake of the guide (not that I can claim to *fully* understand how it all works LOL!).

Just to add to ncooper's post ... it's always a good idea to clear your shaders cache (and possibly replace the ShadersHLSL with the stock ones) if you're having trouble. Can't do any harm - and may tidy up a few oddities.

Thank you ncooper and Adam.

I can't tell if my envmap.bmp is modified or not, but there's just the one copy in the folder. Its date is 5/24/06 and it's 1,537 KB in size. While in that folder, I did note that the DX9envmap.bmp seems much newer than the other files around it, with a date of 4/14/12. Could that be the file?

As for the shaders cache file, from the How-To guide, it looks like I should delete (just) the "shaders10" folder and NOT the "shaders" folder. Is that correct?

I really appreciate your replies!

As for the shaders cache file, from the How-To guide, it looks like I should delete (just) the "shaders10" folder and NOT the "shaders" folder. Is that correct?

Correct (if we're talking about the copies in "Users" - not in FSX root). My "shaders" folder in "Users" is empty anyway.

In case it is the Dx9envmap.bmp, I attach my copy for you to try.
As always, back up your own before you do.

As to Shaders, just to explain.

In the main FSX folder, there is the folder ShadersHLSL.
In this folder are the instructions for FSX as to how to set up the Shaders.
It is these files that are modified by the Dx10 Fixer when you change settings.
They must never be deleted or FSX will not start at all.
Naturally they can be replaced.

In the folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX there are up to
two folders.
One, Shaders contains the Dx9 Shaders and the other, Shaders10 those for Dx10.
These folder are recreated each time FSX starts and either or both can be deleted
at any time other than when FSX is running.

If FSX has never been run in Dx10 mode, there will be no Shaders10 folder and if
not in Dx9 mode since they were last deleted, there will be no Shaders folder.

I hope this helps you to understand the principle.



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Nick - could I quote this in my DX10 "HowTo"? It's useful to have such a succinct description of what does what!
