Question-Where to load effects package by major Magee?


Charter Member
I run ETO Expansion and don't know where to add the effects.xml or the effects/fxtextures. The instructions say add to your root install. Do I add them to the ETO Start Icon or the Orignal CFS3 icon?
Hi Wichner,

they go into the ETO root directory. the effects.xml file goes into the main folder (back up your original) and the fxtextures go into the effects sub folder, again I would suggest backing up the folder in case you decide you don't like the new files.

HTH's regards Rob.
So root install location is C:\CFS3 ETO Expansion, if your Hard Drive you are using is C: Otherwise D: or whatever.

C:\CFS3 ETO Expansion\effects\fxtextures is where the texture *.dds files would go, if your Hard Drive you are using is C: Otherwise D: or whatever.

As Capt. Winters said. always back up. It's worth mentioning that it's better to back up texture dds files outside your install as CFS3 tends to search the whole folder for dds files. *.xml files one can just add "BU" or whatever to the end of the file name such as I have "EffectsBUOct2018.xml", and they can stay in the CFS3 folder.