


Guys i have been away for long time. What have changed in the Game? Any info? Any links?
What is the "Schmittfire "?
What is the ETO expansion? Do i have to install it? If i do so will i be able to log in original cfs3 games without it? How can i manage to log in both versions? cfs3 and cfs3 with ETO?
Anyway help me out because i want to participate everywhere!!!
Thanks in advance, John
Guys i know that maybe my questions seem a bit silly to you, keep in mind that i was away for long time. I am reading about FIREPOWER expansion pack for CFS3, ETO expansion pack, MAW, PTO Solomons, etc. I have only CFS3 installed and udated to 3.1 cracked version (iknow maybe it is fool of me that i dont have the original). CAn someone briefly explain to me what are those staff, and what i need to paly online with you guys? I know, because i tested yesterday, that CFS3 only is enough, but can i do better?
Thanks anyway, John
Hello zaxos, you should be aware that cracked versions are a forbidden topic on SOH forums, the admins take a very dim view.

Expansions - I believe Firepower modifies your existing CFS3, but MAW, PTO Solomons and ETO each create an additional installation leaving your original CFS3 intact. ETO is the most recent expansion and is the long-overdue rework of the original theatre of operations supplied with the sim - but it's so much better than the original, there's really little comparison! See the sticky threads above for availability. MAW, PTO and ETO are free, Firepower is payware.

MAW and PTO should be available again soon. MAW recreates the air war in the Mediterranean and is a masterpiece. PTO recreates the Solomon Islands air war in the Pacific. Another theatre which should be avaiable again soon is Korean Skies (also free) with jets as well as prop aircraft in the Korean War.

For online play, see the sticky threads at the top of the forum page for details, but you'll get on best if you stick with unmodified CFS3, or get and install ETO to join the ETO games online.
When MAW reappears with its parent site Netwings, check the online games posted there: there are some very enthusiastic Italian-speaking fans of the expansion around.

The Schmittfire is a Spitfire model with a DB engine as per the Messerschmitt Bf109. I didn't like it much, but others may disagree.
firepower tip

do not install firepower and then try to install anything else from that install
ex maw, pto, eto, it modifies several very important files and will lead to starting from scratch. as the new games, especialy maw will crash and burn eventually. Always install a new program from a dead stock install updated to 3.1a only, no other mods!
Guys thanks for the advise. As i can understand FirePower installs over the cfs3 install, it does not get installed in a different folder, and changes some of the installed items of the cfs3, am i right? So i wont be able to play online cfs3, correct?
So if i understand right i have to make 2 different installations, one clean updated to 3.1a with no other mods, in order to play online, and another one if i want to install the FirePower expansion pack.
Ok, but how can i do that? Can i do 2 different intallations of the same game into the same computer? Is it so simple by pointing 2 different installation folders?
Thanks again John
Hi John,

Have one clean, patched unmodded install at all times.

Use Martin Wrights multi install
to make a copy version to add Firepower too.

MAW. ETO & PTO will use the clean orginal as a base. Just make sure when installing these that your paths are correct.