Quick combat? an old fool needs help here guys



Er.. I come back from my skiing holiday.. forgotten all I knew..
get P3'd and install it..
OK .. a patch DLL Error.. etc but it went away but.. somethings not right.

I play a lot of QC and I used to like it.. particularly checking my stats when I'd 'swept' them from the sky.. but that's gone .. I land, press esc the menu on the right appears and I quit the 'mission' and I'm straight back to the quick combat screen..:faint:
what happened to the stats etc pull down? that used to be on the left side with the guy having a fag etc.. and the choice of going round again??

Has this been removed? or is my installation a crock?:help:

Any helpful advice gratefully received.. as for abuse? I'll risk it..
I've bought a mono-sitski.. yeah been soaring like an eagle..:engel016:
Nope, it's not there on my install either. In the workshop, there is a setting to click where you can display your stats, they then display on your pilot's dossier page.
Thnaks Baywing.. you mean there's no fly again button.. Ever? :faint:.. Another thing I noticed.. I hit tab and the target plane doesnt get the nice yellow ring round it.. which enabled me to see it.. :173go1:
I think I recall seeing the fly again, but it's back at a higher level menu. I never used the yellow target, you can turn the labels on, though.
The 'brackets' toggle is chtrl+shift+I. Might be what you are loking for (yellow ring).
Time Marches ON, we can't stop it, I miss the hit pecentage also, but as they say: "that's how the cookie crumbles "

I suppose if it really pissed me off. I'd get rid of the whole mess, then reinstall up to before the ski weekend. You've got it on disc, sooo it's not the end of the world

And what's this crapola about the yellow brackets, I'm one cheating ***, yet I've never used the brackets, or the Targetting Cone for that matter, where is key control for that ? Right Next to the coin slot I'll wager . .Geez :kilroy:
Yes , There is statisticand CFS3 interface

OFF- Over Flanders Fields
Your installation is well done, just:
I had the same problems-I thought that there is no Tag on the left side of the screen, BUT THERE ARE TAGS of QC and MISSION on the left side of the screen. LOOK at my posts-the most inportan one is the last one.This depends how You get to QC and MISSION pages.
First :
go to WORKSHOPS (from first page of the OFF) and on the left side find column
USER INTERFACE. Make AUTO EXIT CFS 3 off (check the circle) and the same just below with
Now to enter QC and have CES3 interface (right corner of the scrren and passibilities to fly again without going back to OFF first page) ENTER or press CFS3 QC in WORKSHOPS ( not in OFF first page).

To have the MISSION CFS3 interface as above with small change.
AUTO EXIT CFS 3 off and DIRECT TO MISSION off but You have to go back to OFF first page and start Mission from MULTI PLYER (You will go see and choose Mission from OFF page , but next You will go to CFS3 interface.
One more thing: After You finish mission and press END FLIGHT on the upper right corner of the screen as soon as You see Briefings on the left side of the screen end flight. Atherwise, You plane gona crashes and spowned aircraft will explod on the leftovers of Your first plane. Pressing Briefings puts plane on the ground-I do not know why, but works for me like this.
Good to find you havent changed for the better Gimpy.. Cheating.. against AI ? in a Sim/Game?
I'm learning to fly and shoot down planes, with 4.5 and 2.0 dioptre bifocal correction and TIR (think about it).. When I get good and bored with it in a couple of months time, I'll start trying to do it "honestly" , maybe... :kiss:.. Meanwhile..

Thanks AH and 77..