quick combat



when i play quick combat, only a few planes show up for the AI when i start. all the planes are there to pick from but when i pick some bombers to shoot down and i start the game, i'm alone in the sky.

any ideas?
Just a thought, but hopefully it's something simple that was overlooked, such as "number of enemy aircraft" in the settings just before you click on "fly now."
when i go for bombers i select at least 3

1- Run a virus scan on your disk with whatever software you may have. Worms and some viruses are designed to surreptitiously erase programs and files in a piecewise manner so they are hard to detect at first. If you find one, clean it off the disk and reinstall.
2- If there is no virus or worm, then do a reinstall anyway. Save your pilot, aircraft and mission folders in a separate place like an external hard drive or a memory stick, uninstall and reinstall. Microsoft applications have a predilection for performing surgery on themselves without any virus present.
Hello Anbu,

I also have found that there are some aircraft that just dont seem to work as AI opponents. The CFS / FS98 Ki-61 is an example. Pretty plane. Shows up fine in freeflight and as user flown in quick combat though. I believe it is something in the MDL file.

For some reason my F6F-5 Hellcat also appears to share the same problem. It hasn't bothered me enough to troubleshoot though. I suspect I may have broken something when doing the SCASM thing on this model.

- Ivan.
Really, Ivan? You can use the add-on aircraft as opponents? I have never had any of them show up. I get so disappointed, wanting to see how a Zero fares against a Hellcat or P-40 and vice versa, for example.

Hello Anbu,

I also have found that there are some aircraft that just dont seem to work as AI opponents. The CFS / FS98 Ki-61 is an example. Pretty plane. Shows up fine in freeflight and as user flown in quick combat though. I believe it is something in the MDL file.

- Ivan.
There is a utility to put aircraft into the list of available QC opponents... One of you guys chime in, I got it ages ago. (Well, when I started looking for CFS goodies a year ago)
Hi Gwynedd,

Look for a utility for JSQCEdit (Jones Soft Quick Combat Editor). The problem with this utility is that the aircraft are ordered the way you added them. I wrote a utility to sort the Quick Combat file a couple years back because I have about 350 aircraft installed and it got painful to not be able to predict where to find something in the list.

I don't know about other folks, but for the most part, I try to order aircraft by the manufacturer's name and designation.

The wish to see how a Corsair would do against a Zero, Hellcat versus Corsair versus Zero versus P-40.... (Well not really the P-40) was why I got into building aircraft for CFS to begin with. I had no faith in the accuracy of the existing flight models and after a while, got tired of seeing a F4U Dash One Corsair with a 4 blade prop and cheek pouches (F4U-5). I couldn't find a decent model other than the F4U-5, so decided to build my own. The current version is a whole lot better than the one that is uploaded here, but as with all my projects, isn't quite a final yet.

Need to get my kids fed and off to school!
- Ivan.
You can also do the editing the old fashioned way, using Notepad. Its only a textfile and ordered fairly simply. That way you can make up your own groups and set the bombers up as fighters so that they chase after you! probably the programs let you do this as well but i am too much of a control freak to let a program do it for me!
Thanks, guys. I will give this a try toward the end of the week. I have a special invited lecture to prepare for Wednesday and I was up until 2:30 this morning grading papers, so CFS will have to be my vacation on Thursday night.
Hi Dave,

It sounds like you are much more of a masochist than I am. Adding one plane into a couple groups is painful. Adding a bunch is just too much opportunity for error.

JSQCEdit is free and it's fast.

Speaking of masochism, I wrote the sorting utility as a C Language exercise because work was not enough of a challenge.

- Ivan.
Hi Dave,

JSQCEdit is free and it's fast.

- Ivan.

Ivan, I have Googled this with all the combinations of words and abbreviations I could think of, but Google only returns your quote here in Sim-outhouse. Do you have a link for the app?
Hi Gwynedd,

Check out this link right here at Sim-Outhouse:


Also, I got lots of hits on "Quick Combat Editor" but didn't find any that linked back to JoneSoft, the company that wrote the tool. FWIW, the author is a fellow named Jaesen Jones.

If that STILL doesn't work, let me know and I will see if I still have the download and can email it.

- Ivan.
Hi Gwynedd,

Check out this link right here at Sim-Outhouse:


Also, I got lots of hits on "Quick Combat Editor" but didn't find any that linked back to JoneSoft, the company that wrote the tool. FWIW, the author is a fellow named Jaesen Jones.

If that STILL doesn't work, let me know and I will see if I still have the download and can email it.

- Ivan.

Great. Got it. Thank you to Ivan, Johnny and Hubbabubba.
And if you are looking at the time stamp, yes it's 2:21 Central and I just now got through putting together my lecture for 12:00 noon tomorrow. I will get 4 hours of sleep, though.
Night everyone and see you later.
when i run Quick combat, i usually choose FW 190A of 9 aircrafts, 9 is the maximum amount of planes.