Quick FS9 Question


Any one know what causes an invisible plane in the preview window in FS9? Usually if the model file is missing or corrupt, the preview window is all black. And if the Config is incorrect or the texture folder for the paint is missing, an 'all grey' model image of the plane shows up. I have a few specific variants that are invisible... i.e. all you see is the sky background in the preview window. Some do show up for this particular pack, and some don't. Only a handful are correct.

Any one know what causes an invisible plane in the preview window in FS9? Usually if the model file is missing or corrupt, the preview window is all black. And if the Config is incorrect or the texture folder for the paint is missing, an 'all grey' model image of the plane shows up. I have a few specific variants that are invisible... i.e. all you see is the sky background in the preview window. Some do show up for this particular pack, and some don't. Only a handful are correct.


Try decreasing anti-aliasing, that's usually culprit, AA set above 4x.


Hey Pete...

Funny thing is, this is a payware package, and some planes in the pack show up, some don't. It appears that some mistakes were made in the aircraft.cfg as to which model will actually be used to represent the plane in the description. I have addressed that. I'm beginning to think whole maghilla has some corruption in the pack somewhere. It is a package that I have had for quite some time and have run it before with no issues. It mis-behaves the same way on both my Jetline as well as my HP box so me thinks there are gremlins with the package itself.

Ah, righto then, care to name the package?
Only one I know that does that is C130; you have to use ACE utility.



I run fs9 on windows 8 and in full frame that window is black, but in windowed mode they show up alright, so maybe something similar with your airplanes.

That windows 8 is rubbish, that's for sure.

Ah, righto then, care to name the package?
Only one I know that does that is C130; you have to use ACE utility.



Not the C-130... no problems with that one. I sentcha a PM.

After a compleat un-install and re-install of the package I found the culprit. There is a model file that is missing some of the components it requires, and when an aircraft is assigned that model file in the aircraft.config... it doesn't display the plane in the preview window. Selecting it however, results in the plane showing up just fine in the sim. I have never had this happen before with this developer and I have a lot of their planes. The package is the Alphasim Tornado F.3.

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I run fs9 on windows 8 and in full frame that window is black, but in windowed mode they show up alright, so maybe something similar with your airplanes.

That windows 8 is rubbish, that's for sure.


I'm the first to throw bricks at Win 8 when deserved, but this problem is down to your video card.
I have it, too.

Windows 8 in an operational sense does really well with over 120fps if I want, but I set it at 29. My aside was about the silliness of the little rectangles and the impossibility of finding anything without having a coronary. And they got rid of Freecell; although I have in fact found a better free one on the web!
