Quick Kills?



Does OFF model quick kills - the rare lucky head shot or the well-placed burst that hits something critical? All my kills seem to be of the slow gradual spiral of death variety, where the bad guy just gradually loses altitude before essentially crash-landing. Is it just my luck? Is it possible to get the rare catastrophic kill in OFF?

Just wondering if I'm missing something.
I've had flamers, mid air explosions-may have been a flak hit-and explosions upon crash so far. In QC I've had some drop very fast after a short burst. And of course some death spiralers.
My quickest kill was a Nieuport, turning on it's back after a short hit (not much - hadn't expected much damage) and pulling headover right into the ground. I assumed, pilot killed or very bad hit on stearing functions.
Thanks, guys. It's nice to know that the game models a variety of kills. I just need more target practice.