Quiz question....

Pat Pattle

Hi all,

Two virtual :guinness::guinness: if you can guess what's special about what's going on in this screenie? clue: its a brand new feature for CFS3 :) :)

and a bonus :guinness: if you know the airfield :monkies:

Gecko and Grizzly need not answer!

Yes I would say what NSS said or those are actual paratroopers being dropped as weapons and you figured out how to slow them down.
I remember reading that during the low level attacks on Kenley by Dorniers one was brought down by a parachute suspended cable. They were fired in front of low flying aircraft in the hope that a wing would catch one. This would then deploy another chute slowing the aircraft down. Would that be what they are!? I hope so... nice work if they are. Not sure about the field though!
Well, being a "Former" Aces HighII flyer,I would say,"Taking an airfield and resupply" but I know
that cant be it.
I remember reading that during the low level attacks on Kenley by Dorniers one was brought down by a parachute suspended cable. They were fired in front of low flying aircraft in the hope that a wing would catch one. This would then deploy another chute slowing the aircraft down. Would that be what they are!? I hope so...

:guinness::guinness: Here you are Chris, cheers!

Yep, it's the PAC parachute & cable airfield and ship defence weapon.
This is all thanks to Gecko who has pioneered this development.
Grizzly has been testing it for us and getting himself killed in the process, sorry mate :icon_lol: . Kenley was credited with a kill using this weapon although local gunners also claimed it. The system was operated by army attachments and were located at a number of airfields during BoB. This set is at Rochford (Southend). For the next ETO install they will be in place at the correct airfields.

They are quite deadly in the sim!


Ooh Clive. I've just been reading how German ship used this against Coastal Commands anti-shipping strikes. this game just gets better and better.
OK, so the ground-based PAC system was called a Z-battery! Fantastic stuff, Clive! I'm really looking forward to it!