Radar and Hud for Kirk's F-16


G'day all --

Recently I re-discovered some very nice 2D and VC Mods for Kirk Olsson's Viper that were payware from Simscape and Eric Marciano. Downloading the panel gives you a 5 minute trial but then tells the armchair Viper pilot that the key is needed to unlock the product. Issue I'm having is that I cannot find the secure page to pay for the registration of the Hud and Radar on the simscape web page. I realise that this is older stuff but I have some highly modded F-16's that I'd like to have a go with these panels. They were specifically designed for Kirk's F-16 but will work in any jet or prop model, provided you've registered them.

Has it been so long that procurement of this software is no longer possible? Any thoughts would be valuable. :encouragement:


go to the F-16 HUD page. That is where you pay for the HUD.

Does that include all of the apps that come with the panel, "f16Panel50_fs9" as well, or just the HUD? (see here) http://www.simscape.fr/F16/
I saw that on the simscape site tho, but not sure if it is inclusive of the whole.

In the mean time, I'm running the basic panel with the freeware radar and HUD by Eric Marciano.

Thanks for the info....

Simscape has the full block 50 panel. The time-limited HUD is part of it but you pay for the HUD on Simscape. Eric Marciano's is a "block 20" panel which I am not too fond of. The simscape version is much better. I think the downside is it comes with an F-16. I just put the panel with my other Olssen F-16s and went from there.
Eric's radar and hud with jen's f-16

Hi Blackbird,

Like you I am a great fan of 'The Viper' and have tinkered endlessly to get a really nice feeling cockpit. I used Eric's custom made cockpit with radar and HUD for the Viper and it is certainly visually very nice with a very nice velocity vector in the HUD.

Only glitches I have had with this cockpit are:

Lack of ILS on the HUD.

Inability, on my rig, to switch from the F-16 to another a/c in FS9 without a programme crash. Probably just my rig as I have not seen this fault reported on any forums.

I have also tried the beautiful radar in other a/c with similar prog crash if switching to another a/c. Shame.

Getting the various amber or green and square or circular radar configs installed into other jets is also a bit of a hassle with a good knowledge of cockpit layering and transparency issues needed.

Ended up with Eric's cockpit with his original freeware radar installed and the nice simple HUD from the IRIS freeware Hawks, which has two light intensities and is ILS equipped. No crashes when switching a/c and a very simple and HUD with ILS. Miss the nice velocity vector but can live without it.

Hope this was of help to you.

Lack of ILS on the HUD has always been a peeve of mine, especially in the F-16. I'll have a go with the IRIS Hawk HUD.

The SimScape F-16 Block 50 panel looks very inviting tho and I may still peruse that one. The Block 20 panel just has the HUD and Radar modification on the basic freeware panel. I looked at that one and chose the Block 50 panel instead.

I have a lot of different variations of Kirk's classic Viper as well as the "D" model, ViperDen and ViperNor... with many different textures and tweaks. I'm a big fan.

Thankx for the info fellas --
