Radar Sites


Charter Member 2012
Im trying to build a mission that involves attacking the radar base at Ventnor. I cant get this facility to show up in the mission builder. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Check the menus in the briefing screens. Where it asks about spawns and stuff. You may need to load it into another folder first or make a special type with a tag type that works. This is the problem with airbases in campaigns.
To get the radar sites to show up in Mission Builder you need to open each of the facility files - example: Bawdsey_Radar_CH with notepad and change the flags type from 'isMilitary' to 'isFactory'.

These stealth radar sites then become visible.
...I wonder if the Germans could have paid more attention to the radar sites and sector stations and won..?
...I wonder if the Germans could have paid more attention to the radar sites and sector stations and won..?

I think it very likely that without Radar the RAF would have not been able to effectivly place their fighters. They would have had to fly many more "Standing Patrols" which were tiring for pilots, wasteful on fuel and demanding on aircraft.
If the radars had been taken out I believe the RAF would have become overwhelmed in the end.