Radeon fps problem fixed!! (thanks!!)


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Just want to publicly thank "Redwolf" and "LeBlaque" for their posts. The combined info they provided have been successful for my rig. I'd also like to thank "Polvski" for his patience and monitoring of this problem. A great big "pat on the back" for all three of you. I would suggest (if you haven't already) combining the aforementioned two posts as a "sticky" here on this forum and adding the additional info from "LeBlaque" in the OFF FAQS.

BTW, I did NOT have to resort to making any changes within my Radeon Catalyst GC Software, your particular mileage on your PC may vary. I would suggest trying all the info provided and changing the GC as a last resort.

My Rig and Settings details: Falcon-NW Fragbox 2, Intel 8500 3.16Ghz chip, 4MB ram, ATI Radeon Palit 4850 GC (512MB). Aircraft: 5, Terrain 4, Scenery 5, Effects Quality 5, Cloud Quality 5. I'm using a Dell 22" Ultrasharp Monitor at 1680x1050x32.

Closing remarks: To all of you guys from all over the globe who worked on OFF for over the last four years, a very heartfelt "THANK YOU!" I've been waiting for a WWI flyer of this calibre ever since Red Baron. You should be applauded for accomplishing a task as a unified group and showing the fortitude to "get the job done." IMHO OFF is a "MASTERPIECE," and worth every penny I paid for the game. Happy Hunting, everyone!

"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
Glad you got it fixed Trek, can you insert links of the two previous post in this thread ?
MK2, You'll find LeBlaque's post on page 2 of this forum: Look for: THE BEST (?) ATI GPU SETTINGS header. I'm not sure where Redwolf's post is located, but on the official OFF site in the FAQ section they have posted the same instructions: www.overflandersfields.com. Make sure you perform all the changes from both!
MK2, You'll find LeBlaque's post on page 2 of this forum: Look for: THE BEST (?) ATI GPU SETTINGS header. I'm not sure where Redwolf's post is located, but on the official OFF site in the FAQ section they have posted the same instructions: www.overflandersfields.com. Make sure you perform all the changes from both!
Great! I have an ATI rig as well as Nvidia and might load up off on there.
Radeon HD3850 is still a dog though. No fault of P3. Still researching different settings but still capping out in the teens and single digits over airfields.
My thanks to those who suggested the best settings in Catalyst, CFS3Config & Ps for ATI Radeon cards as well. I have a Radeon 4830, and after experimenting with variations on the afore-mentioned suggestions, I am getting very smooth graphics with FPS in the mid-30's on high P3 settings (5-5-4-4-5-3).

Thanks again, and thanks to the developers for a great sim!
If you could share, Interlocutor, exactly what tweaks you did to the ATI suggestions, it would be appreciated as although I find the FPS satisfactory, they aren't at your level as of yet.
If you could share, Interlocutor, exactly what tweaks you did to the ATI suggestions, it would be appreciated as although I find the FPS satisfactory, they aren't at your level as of yet.

Okay, here goes. My system specs are as follows:

Windows XP, SP3 w/ 4GB RAM
Intel Core2Duo E8500 Wolfdale @ 3.16GHz (each cpu)
ATI Radeon HD 4830 w/ 1GB
Seagate 500GB 7200RPM Hard Drive

I run P3 with TrackIR, have a Logitech Force 3D Pro stick. I'm getting fps in the 30s, say an average of 35 but lower (high 20s) at the airfield or near the ground, higher (low 40s) at higher altitudes, say 4K' or above.

My current CFS3Config settings:
Monitor to higherst possible resolution, in my case 1680x1050x32
Anti-Aliasing set to "none"
Graphics sliders at 5-5-4-4-5-3

CFS3Config OVERIDES (ticked boxes):
Disable Intro Movie
High Resolution Z-Buffer
Terrain Detail Texture
Disable Vertex Buffers
Disable Index Buffers
Disable Validate Device
Disable Write-Only Vertex Buffers
Disable Write-Only Index Buffers
Disable In Cloud Effect

CFS3Config TEXTURE INFO (radio button settings):
Composite Terrain Texture Pool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED
Composite Terrain Texture Usage = D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET
Composite Aircraft Texture Pool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED
Composite Aircraft Texture Usage = D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET
Vertex Buffer Pool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED
Index Buffer Pool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
Fullscreen Swap Effect = D3DSWAPEFFECTFLIP
(note: I did not change any of the sliders from their defaults, can list them, too if desired)

My ATI Catalyst Control Center Settings:
In the "Graphics Settings" tab, with "3D" expanded and "All Settings" selected, in the "Smoothvision HD: Anti-Aliasing" pane, I unticked "Use application settings", chose "Edge-detect" from the pull-down options in the "Filter" box, and set "Level" to "4x", yielding a sample rate of "12x";

Also in the "Graphics Settings" tab, with "3D" expanded and "All Settings" selected, in the "Smoothvision HD: Anisotropic filtering" pane I again unticked "Use application settings" and set AF to "8x";

Going down the "All Settings" list to the "Catalyst A.I." pane I left "Disable Catalyst A.I." unticked and set the slider to "Standard";

In the "Mipmap Detail Level" pane I set the slider to "High Quality";

In the "Wait for vertical refresh" pane I set the slider to "Off, unless application specifies";

In the "Adaptive Anti-Aliasing" pane I left the "Enable Adaptive Anti-Aliasing" box unticked.

That's all I did in Catalyst. Note that I get my AA & AF effects through the CCC, rather than from within the game (at least I think that's what is happening :ques:.

Sorry for the length of the post. I suspect that results may vary for different folks; even the hard drive speed may affect things I think.

Note that I did not turn off messages notifications as mentioned by Trek; I tried it and got no appreciable increase in frame rates; go figure...