Radio Chatter not working properly


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've been experimenting with the radio chatter mod in ETO 1.40. The ground chatter such as "cleared for take-off" and "cleared for landing" work fine.

But, there is no aircraft chatter such as "bandit on my six" or "tally-ho!". Is there something I'm doing wrong or is there a glitch somewhere?

Anyone have any insight?


Those features only work on the aircraft they are installed on. When you installed the package, were there any aircraft included or did you make changes to any aircraft to enable the chatter on them? It can be added to any aircraft, but it has to be done individually.
I've only got the radio mod set up for the AI aircraft included in the package.

I'm using the planes included in the radio chatter package.

Haven't set up the mod for any other aircraft yet, but when I use the AI planes that have chatter set up, I still get ground chatter, but I don't hear the mod sounds with the AI planes already set up for the chatter mod.
Have you flown with them in a dogfight yet? There should be two AI versions of each plane, one to use when the aircraft is on the same side as the player, and the other for use as the player's enemy. To get the full effect you need to fly with both. The effects are only triggered when the AI aircraft are maneuvering against each other, shooting at each other, and seriously damaging each other (and when the player seriously damages an AI as well).

If you are already doing this and still getting nothing, I'd try reinstalling the package as something is probably either missing or in the wrong place.

Hope that helps.

Chris, you will only hear the chatter in missions and in that mission your friendly and enemy a/c types need to be the ai ones from the package.

I made some videos showing the effects in action:!new!-videos

Here's a test mission I made for for the BoB install....

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="sweep" Country="Britain" Aircraft="bob_huri_017" Airbase="lyme100" Date="6/8/1940" Time="12:00" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n"/>
<Title>chatter test1</Title>
<SubTitle>chatter test1</SubTitle>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="sweep" Country="Britain" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9356" Type="bob_huri_017" IsPlayer="y" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9357" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9358" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9359" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9360" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9361" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9362" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Unit ID="9363" Type="ai_Spit_friendly" Skill="1"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'28.8324"" Lon="E1*0'23.6391"" Alt="6340.14"/>
<Waypoint Type="startloop" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'53.2294"" Lon="E1*0'55.9778"" Alt="6462.00" Time="00:30"/>
<Waypoint Type="endloop" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="y" Lat="N50*46'53.2754"" Lon="E1*0'55.6239"" Alt="6462.00" Time="00:30"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="y" Lat="N50*46'51.3229"" Lon="E1*0'57.5792"" Alt="6462.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="92" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'50.4116"" Lon="E1*0'59.9853"" Alt="6462.00"/>
<AirFormation ID="6002" Directive="escort" Country="Germany" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9364" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9365" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9366" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9367" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9368" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9369" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9370" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9371" Type="ai_109_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Route ID="5006">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="97.7444444444444" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'40.5040"" Lon="E1*1'22.9958"" Alt="7000.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N50*46'50.1512"" Lon="E1*1'6.0478"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="6001" Lat="N50*46'52.4947"" Lon="E1*1'0.9699"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="97.7444444444444" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'59.6632"" Lon="E1*0'59.5306"" Alt="7000.00"/>
<AirFormation ID="6001" Directive="anti_ship" Country="Germany" Points="1" DamagePercent="40" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9372" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9373" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9374" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9375" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9376" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9377" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9378" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="9379" Type="ai_he111_enemy" Skill="3"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'43.5658"" Lon="E1*1'23.3005"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="y" Lat="N50*46'50.1512"" Lon="E1*1'6.0478"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetach" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="6002" Lat="N50*46'52.4947"" Lon="E1*1'0.9699"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="9355" Lat="N50*46'53.9292"" Lon="E1*0'55.6236"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="88.9988888888889" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N50*46'59.7622"" Lon="E1*1'0.2798"" Alt="6340.00"/>
<GroundFormation ID="9355" Country="Britain" Skill="1" FormType="coil">
<Unit ID="9380" Type="a_amphib"/>
<Route ID="5004">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Lat="N50*46'53.9292"" Lon="E1*0'55.6236"" Speed="4.00237777777778" GroundType="direct"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Lat="N50*46'56.6655"" Lon="E1*1'1.8791"" Speed="4.00237777777778" GroundType="direct"/>
Hi Clive and Daniel,

So, I'm guessing that every aircraft formation has to be AI that has radio chatter enabled?

Clive, I tried the mission you included in BoB as a test in ETO and again, no luck.

Don't know what's going on. I've tried reinstalling the mod several times and again, no luck.


Yes, that's how it works. If there are only a couple chatter equipped aircraft flying, then you will hear little or no chatter.

Which package are you using? I never officially uploaded one myself, it's kind of been passed around over the years, which is perfectly fine, but at this point I have no idea exactly which version or what files you have. If you can point me to it I can make sure it has everything.
I'm using the version from April, 2011. Included were three test missions, all the sound files, two XML files, and all the AI aircraft.