RAF Combat Report 'F'

Pat Pattle

For my own amusement and because it's getting near Battle of Britain day (Sept 15th) and we've now got Wufmanns excellent BoB missions, I've created a copy of the famous RAF Combat Report 'F'. It's in .pdf format (I've included the 'Word' source file too).

Print it out and fill in your own combat report then submit it to the 'C/O' (just to see her expression! :icon_lol:)

after awhile in this siote and all the great work ,, the end result , imho is the next best thing to realism ,,,except one lives to tell


Paperwork and more Bl***y paperwork!!!:isadizzy:

It was the bain of my life when I was in the real Royal Air Force.!!:kilroy:

Now it's in my virtual world too!!!:icon_lol:

Great work Pat:medals:

Any chance you could conjour up a virtual WRAF!!!!

You could model her on a gorgeous WRAF SNCO I knew at RAF.....No! Better leave it there and protect the innocent!!:monkies:
Any chance you could conjour up a virtual WRAF!!!!

Rob Stevenson made me some beautiful images of Ms York a few years back but after much searcing I think they were lost in my last PC crash (If you still heve 'em mate would like another set!)

In the meantime someone else has made something similar....

*sigh* .....

Hi Clive,

Yes mate I think I still have them, I'll send you another set.

It was that movie site you have shown above from which I took insperation for the stuff I sent you.

Miss York is a honey for sure...

thanks for the form, I have several printed and waiting to be filled in..

regards Rob.
This is going back a few years but I don't suppose that anyone has a copy of this combat report form that I made back along do they?


I wasn't looking at the date Clive so I was confused as to why no download and thinking Wulfman's missions were on your BoB install. So have they ever been modified to install on your BoB?
Heheh, I just thought you were more excited than usual for BoB Day - soon?! Sorry I don't have your form.