RAF Gutersloh in X-Plane


Luddite in Training
I gave Richard Child permission to convert RAF Gutersloh into X-Plane with Jonathon Harris's (Marginal's) FS2Xplane converter. Obviously not everything came through, but it didn't turn out too bad, at least by the screenshots provided. I can see a color difference in the Xplane default scenery that those who decide to design for both sims will have to keep in mind.

Oh...yes...it's at x-plane.org .


I was trying to do NASP for my personal use. Not all of the runways showed up. I may have to delete it and try again.

I recall someone having that problem before when they tried. It's probably because the original default configuration of KNPA in both FS9 and FSX is incorrect and I had to modify it with the AFX/AFCAD to make it right. I have no experience in any of the X-Plane tools as yet so I can't help beyond that...sorry.
I wasn't hinting that you should work on it. I am thrilled with what you have done for FSX.

BTW the buildings showed up in XP9

Note that no roads, lights, or most things with an alpha channel transferred properly....and no animations, either. There are probably seperate tools for that stuff, though (hopefully?).


@VCN-1 no umbrage taken, I was just trying to give you a starting point for troubleshooting the runways. ;)