RAF Kinloss


Charter Member







Available flightsim website
Very nice scenery indeed, but you'll need all of Ted Andrews FS2004 object librarys installed esp his Hangers and Control towers, you can find all at Flightsim and Avsim and are easy to install, im not sure what MAIW objects are used but as i have a 50's 60's retro install, i can live with out them. good work.
cheers ian
Hi, has anyone had any problems getting objects to show, as i mention'd earler, i assumed the designer of this scenery was using Ted Andrews objects, sure looks like them in the screen shots, although ive only got the hangers to show, ive checked in my add-on scenery/scenery folder to see if the library bgl's are in place and everything seems ok. those are the only RAF buildings i can think of that look like the one's represented in the screen shots. The read-me is a bit vague although he does' mention MAIW objects but no spacific scenery.
any ideas, cheers ian
That UNIMOG looks incredible!
But that's no surprise when you know who painted it:
It was Pablo "Captain of the Clouds" Diaz!

Yeah the Unimog is nice, addthese 3D lights to it too....

light.0 = 4, 6.18, 0, 5.01, fx_shockwave_vclight
light.1 = 5, 10.66, 2.29, 0, fx_shockwave_landing_light
light.2 = 5, 10.66, -2.28, 0, fx_shockwave_landing_light
light.3 = 9, -2.2, -3.51, -0.9, fx_RCB_Smoke0
light.4 = 5, -9.8, -3.01, 0.53, fx_shockwave_navred
light.5 = 5, -9.8, 3.02, 0.53, fx_shockwave_navred

Oh yeah, and an exhaust effect (unknown origin,thinking Rob B?), need to add a gauge to control that though, still looking for a nice one.


PS. I've got the payware Scotflight Kinloss, so ain't tried this scenery.
Hey Ian!:wavey:

I think I found the buildings you are missing! They come from the MAIW UK Apache package.

File name: MAIW Army Air Corps WAH-64.zip

You don't need to install the entire package. Just install it into a temporary folder. Inside the Addon Scenery folder, there's a folder named "MAIW Scenery Library Objects". Install this folder as you would any other object library.

I hope this helps!

Mark :salute:
Hi Mark, thats the package thats needed alright, its installed and all buildings are showing up fine and making this a very enjoyable airfield to fly from,
although i prefere Shackletons to Nimrods so ive been messing with traffic tools :d
cheers ian
Unexpected visitor.

As I'm not a Nimrod man I did't install the AI, however when I took off I noticed an AI aircraft on th platform....
It was a pleasant surprise as the unexpected visitor which came from my area.... Its one of Jaap de Baare's AI Neptunes a long way from home :d

