RAF Vulcan


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Evening all...John here....would greatly appreciate any input on "Just Flight's" Vulcan..Been wanting one for a long time...The reviews of it look pretty darn good....looking for some feedback...thanks in advance--John
she's a Peach, flies nice just remember the autopilot is a tricky unit, can only hold EITHER Altitude or Heading if i recall, i use her on a Daily basis and have yet to ditch the thing, you'll find she is a powerful beast and will overspeed easilly, but she can climb and can barrell roll on the Climbout. and Flown right can fly 1000nm. drogue chute on the wingfold.... you rarely need it, especially operating from one of her home bases (Waddington or Cottesmore)...
One of the highlights i think is the sound package, it hits ll the right notes from what i remember.

Regards Paul Day.
Read the latest copy of PC Pilot magazine, which reviews the recent Iris FSX Vulcan release. In short, it seems to say that the FS9 Flight One version, which I believe is based on the old PSS Vulcan, holds it's own quite well against the much newer release.

