Rainy Weather blues


Charter Member
Been raining here every day for about 4 weeks. A little depressing . Can only clean house so much. So it's a perfect time to fire up CFS3 and play !! Played for three hours straight today after i finally got the yard mowed ,then the bottom dropped out and more rain. When will it ever end ? Guess it's better than a drought ,but not much. Then CFS3 comes to the rescue ! Thank goodness i have a hobby to enjoy every now and then. Can't play too much, must keep the wife happy too.CFS3 to me is the most fun i can have with my clothes on ,even more than guitar playing cause it's just a great escape from real life if only for a little while i'm a pilot in WWII fighting for my life. Great fun thanks to all the work so few have done for us. All i can say is THANKS ! Regards,Scott
Still raining here. A good day to play ETO . What ever happened to fun talk? All seems technical now and boring. Check in every day and not much has been happening. Is CFS3 dead now ? So few posts to read anything exciting or new to enjoy. Thanks to the few working hard to bring us enjoyment. Still love CFS3 even though i've been into IL-2 much more lately. Can't wait till WOTR progresses further so i can have what should be CFS4 . Need a Spitfire to be proper in the BoB era ! Still fun after these many years says something and what CFS3 lacks IL-2 picks up and has better graphics to boot. Just hard to leave a old friend .Regards,Scott
It hasn't been raining here for ages, something like 3-4 short showers since June, I've never seen a garden that dry by end of September.
Wish you could have some of ours. Feel like building a ark ! The weather is a strange thing to be sure. Still in the 90's here also.
Spring rain needed here.

Hi all,the serious drought here in the Cape province stretching from Cape Town to my home Port Elizabeth has been relieved by some good rains recently but Scott if you can spare a few more inches will be gladly accepted,you can send the rest to Led the Zed,have a safe day all!