Charter Member
Been raining here every day for about 4 weeks. A little depressing . Can only clean house so much. So it's a perfect time to fire up CFS3 and play !! Played for three hours straight today after i finally got the yard mowed ,then the bottom dropped out and more rain. When will it ever end ? Guess it's better than a drought ,but not much. Then CFS3 comes to the rescue ! Thank goodness i have a hobby to enjoy every now and then. Can't play too much, must keep the wife happy too.CFS3 to me is the most fun i can have with my clothes on ,even more than guitar playing cause it's just a great escape from real life if only for a little while i'm a pilot in WWII fighting for my life. Great fun thanks to all the work so few have done for us. All i can say is THANKS ! Regards,Scott