Ramstein (Germany) US AF Base


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Hallo friends,
does any one now about a freeware scenery of Ramstein AFB in germany which will be compatible with FS2004?
I yet have the AFCAD. I also downloaded the avaible AI trafic file > this one went to the bin just after a look on it.
What I wish is a scenery that will be more than the original poor FS2004 scenery.
Best Regards
Michael Vader
Hi Shessi,
thank you for your answers:
as I wrote I have almost downloaded the afcads and the traffic files but these files do not make a complete scenery.
And how to convert sceneries done for FSX so they would be compatible to FS2004.
There are some sceneries for FSX I would like to have (especially concerning the Lorient area) but I did not know even that there is a possibility
to convert them; Please lighten my lantern
I did this here many years ago. It's a retro version with CalClassic traffic of the Sixties.


Hi M,
Sorry, I didn't read in the details of the files in the link...dohhh! lol

Hmm yes, I've had another look and no, there doesn't seem to be any for Fs9??? which is odd.

Conversion from FSX to Fs9 can be done with MCX, BUT all the scenery items have to be converted over, with possible issues. It just takes time. The Fs98 one works quite well, but Bernards looks very nice!

Could you upload it please, Bernard?


Good morning frinds,
oh yes Bernards Ramstein scenery would please me also - where to get it?
And which special files would be needed for the static aircraft?
I tried to play with the FSX Ramstein scenery by converting all the DDS textures to BMPs
with out any changes to the poor original scenery.
Best regards
Hi, you might download the scenery here:

At least you should need CalClassic's object library. There aren't any static aircraft. AI traffic is either generated by CalClassic's MATS traffic and partially by the released Laon AB scenery traffic. And there is no readme! So try, and hope it works.

BTW, a CalClassic member created his own Ramstein version. Have a look here:

Very nice done, but he explains the reasons of not uploading the scenery. This member also mentions a MAIW Ramstein scenery which seems never been created or released.

Not to forget about the other American bases in Germany, by John Stinstrom - really well done, all freeware, and for FS2004:

Good evening friends,
thank you a lot for your help,
I now have a nice Ramstein AFB scenery.
Did you know that there existed near by a former Luftwaffe spot?
The Autobahn build in the years before 1945 we know today had another circuit than today.
And after a bridge collapsed the rest of the Reichsautobahn near the todays airbase served in the last time of the third reich
as a landing strip for Messerschmitt Me 262 fighters
Many thanks again
Best regards
Michael Vader
Hallo Michael,

In addition to scenery listings @ (https://freewarescenery.com/fs2004/germany.html), you may find additional listings @ (https://web.archive.org/web/20170609070440/http://www.flightport.de/fs2004-szenerien-in-deutschland/), and for example, there is also a Ramstein AB by Henry Noack, previously available on the now defunct German Virtual Airforce site (https://web.archive.org/web/2011020...airforce.de:80/Extras/Downloads/downloads.htm). Moreover, should it interest you, Flightport's own sceneries for FS2004 including many featuring VFR enhancements are also available from web archive (https://web.archive.org/web/20170609070515/http://www.flightport.de/szenerien/), if not also from Flusiboard (https://www.flusiboard.com/downloads/file/40-flightport-sceneries-fs2004/) - albeit, needs a login!

On yet another note, for a complete experience and for those not already in the know, Landscape Germany, quite improves the sim experience when flying in Germany, and all for free/kostenlos (https://web.archive.org/web/20170609070405/http://www.flightport.de/archiv/landscape-germany/); relevant explanations/compatibility listings in Deutsch are offered at the original site (https://web.archive.org/web/20131227143057/http://www.germany-vfr.de/Landscape/)

Interesting topic in that I am the author of a number of USAFE French airbases including Laon AB mentioned by Bernard. I am now working on German airbases in the same era 1955 to 1962 Including ETAD Spangdahlem AB, ETAS Sembach, EDRB Bitburg and of course ETAR Ramstein AB. EHSB is also in progress using Ian Elliots fine Phantom era version backdated to the Calclassic period. Each will have full traffic as my French (and UK) bases did with correct paints for squadrons flying during those periods. I believe Ian Elliot has some nice things instore for us as well. When, I am sure you are asking, over the next several months depending on my willingness to stick with it. This SOH database conversion sure slowed me down.
but of course, well worth the effort.

Bernard, as I have not started the ADE work in detail yet for Ramstein, I would like to take a look at what you have done maybe as starting point. Dan French is building the Control towers for me and I have built a lot of traffic, but I have started with someone else's AFCAD which is a modern version as my only intention initially was to provide a destination for many of my French and UK USAFE bases. The link you have above does not work for me.

Thanks, that did work. Got a quick look around but have to shut down for the night will take a deeper dive tomorrow. I see a lot of my traffic showing up so that is good. John has a new album out for Ramstein on his flickr page which gives new insight to our era.
