Rant: FCS Lancaster for FS9

Corsair 14F

Charter Member
Hi all Purchased this add-on (download) today and did the FS9 install. most reviews I red before were very enthusiastic about this FCS effort probably a bit too enthusiastic as i have severe stability issues: on change of views the game freezes and i have a CTD. Besides, the prop disc look silly and purple! and from the VC i cannot check the engines (external model not visible from VC, a bit sad for a Lancaster ) I went to FCS site to try to get a patch but it is not accessible (the patch - to be obtained through a stupid and cumbersome free of charge purchase - had a validity expiring sometimes in 1970!!! ....) In all a very disappointing experience with FCS.

For the FCS Lancaster I use this prop (custom :) )
No more problem of weird and coloured prop disk ...

Use also this in the flightsim CFG

I don't have problems in view change ...
It was also a patch for canopy transparency .. if I remember well ..

Also I changed this (for props synchro with sounds when stop engines)

propeller_type= 0 //0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter= 13.349 //Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades= 3 //Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi= 93.0 (it was 20) //Propeller moment of inertia
beta_max= 65.0

Note that the effect can change cause your FPS settings (adjust accordingly)
Hi Corsair,
I bought the FSC Lanc a few weeks ago and experienced the same stability issues you mentioned. I read a few user reviews mentioning problems in FS9, but was ultimately tempted by the nice visuals and made the purchase anyway. I was able to download and install the patch, but that didn't cure the stability problems on my machine. Anytime I try to change views more than a few times, FS freezes and CTDs after a minute or two. I don't have any prop display problems. However, like yourself, I was disappointed by the lack of VC wing views on a plane where they're almost obligatory.

Sorry I can't offer any cures, as I've shelved my Lanc in frustration. It's ashame, as it really is a great looking model with some very unique versions (I love the RCAF and Egyptian schemes). I don't think I'll be tempted by another FCS product, either.

Take care.

Mgchrist and Claudius, thank you. I see i'm not the only one having these issues and well... I believe that theysomehow need be made public as really it is a shame, this Lancaster could have been such a great add-on. FCS guys get back to work and give me a patch!!!
Nice fly by video! the prop discs look very convincing now :salute: , flying without VC for an add-on I paid some 24€... grrr I m not sure i will accept this... :a1451: :angryfir: :hatchet: :censored: :tgun2: :banghead::rocket::violent:

:a1451: :angryfir: :hatchet: :censored: :tgun2: :banghead::rocket::violent:
