

is a great addon mission in eto...tks to its man of missions and hoping more to follow in the era...bob ...style .

ok i put in era1-1936..i placed in the "whatif" folder /- and there seemd to be a lsight issue for me and cloud a white line a[ppeared slight buit here i fixed by using this method and works 101%

see link
Flickering clouds or other graphic anomalies

If clouds flicker or if some items on the screen appear in front of other items instead of behind them, you can turn on the High Resolution Z-buffer option and turn off the Dual-Pass Rendering option. To do this, follow these steps.

Note To do this, use the CFS3 Configuration program. The preset Combat Flight Simulator 3 configuration is designed for maximum compatibility with video cards. Changing individual settings in the configuration is not supported and may cause your computer to stop responding (hang), or may cause other problems. If this occurs, use the Default Settings command to restore your configuration to its original state.
  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Games, point to Combat Flight Simulator 3, and then click Run CFS3Config.
  2. On the File menu, click Custom Settings.

    When you are prompted to confirm that you want to change your settings, click Yes.
  3. On the Window menu, click Overrides.
  4. Click to clear the Dual Pass Render check box, click to select the High Resolution Z-buffer check box, and then click OK.
If your computer stops responding after you change these settings or if changing these settings causes other problems, restore the CFS3 Configuration program to use the default settings. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Games, and then click CFS3 Configuration.
  2. On the File menu, click Default Settings.
In-game animations

Certain animations, such as propeller spin, may not work if you are in a gunner position and use the external view.

now never forgot : the start up porcess on adding or changing anything in eto