Rata I-16 Up date



Good news for the Rata Fans out there.
Kamakuzi has started to work on the Spanish liveries.
I have started on the Russian liveries. Progress is going along well on all fronts of this project.

You can check the news section of the web site for more information on the upcoming projects.


Well Im going through all the possible skinz for this plane and it looks like we might go as high as 12 liveries fort his plane, because Keven/Kamakuza and I like so many we have found and we dont want to leave to many countries out.

Whats nice about this particular model is that this is Rata I-16 #1 Prototype test plane, pre 1936.
So we can have a good time with this one, this is a very special plane in a very legendary line of Russian fighters.

Im doing a few racer skinz too as Im being told its gonna be raced hard and put away wet alot!

This will visually be the best modelled and best looking addon from simtech as to date. It is not as feature heavy as the two beeches, but quality wise it is setting a new standard for simtech, so in effect its our 1st new second generation simTECH addon... all that follow will be at this level for a starting point and then move up from there.

Im trying to keep it freeware but a few people working in it want cash to do the things they need to do for it and they are the best guys around I can find, bu tif its not to much then I can live with that, if they charge the heck out of me then it will be a $5.00 price to cover cost. If I dont use these guys the addon will be 3 more months comign out as I will have to study the c++ code to do it or just omit the feature alltogether.
Just the way things may go, but im trying for ya for sure.
