Rata Vc Finished!!



Boy am I glad of it too, this was like flying a hand glider with a 5 hp engine against a 60 knot head wind....

Hard one this was but it got ol Crashwoody to re master his technique again. Im go to bed for a while. Im tired now...lol:wave:


Yep, I'm practicing my skills on Ivan Hsu's version, just to be ready when this one comes out! That looks stunning Tom!


one of my favorites from the old Il2 Sturmo sim...

how will the landing gear operate on this model? one touch of the gear button? or will the sim pilot have to repeatedly tap the assigned key - to simulate the manual cranking operation..?

Your screenshots look great BTW and skinners will love the I-16 because there are so many paint schemes and references
Reason im working on this is cause the big wigs from IL-2 want me to work on some stuff for them, so I figgered i would get used to this one 1st. Going to do as many liveries as I can.
how will the landing gear operate on this model? one touch of the gear button? or will the sim pilot have to repeatedly tap the assigned key - to simulate the manual cranking operation..?

As nice as it would be to 'hand-crank' the gear it seems it just won't happen. It looks like it will be a one-press operation, but it's delightfully (?) slow and asymmetric -- the right gear wins the race :wavey:.
Like the real Rata I think you'll find it has enough challenges in the flight envelope without cranking that heavy gear up and down :gossip:

Your screenshots look great BTW and skinners will love the I-16 because there are so many paint schemes and references

Yup, since almost every Rata was unique (remember, the factory painters probably made tractors before airplanes...) there could be an endless flow of repaints. Not only Russia and Spain, but China, Brazil....

nothing really new... well into the Beta, VC's done, FDE's pretty well tweaked, initial paints are being worked on... and life has a way of interfering as usual :wavey:
I can say that it will be an entertaining and challenging little bird to fly well (you might want to check prices on rudder pedals if you don't have them); obviously it won't be racing Mustangs flat out (it was a '30's plane afterall) but it sure will keep you alert :woot:

Cool thanks looking forward to it. Will there be any of Tim Wallis's restored aircraft included? If you need another tester I am more than happy to help