

I've been out of the CFS3 loop for about 3 years now due to personal reasons, but am wading back into the pool. My youngest son, a computer whiz, has turned my rig into lean mean flying machine. He has joined this forum using the handle payme100....because that's what I told him I'd pay him if he gets all the add-on's etc running without any CTD's. Still lot's of work to do getting ETO and Rising Sun and assorted patches up to snuff, but I did get to fly last night with all sliders on 4, clouds etc with no stutter and that's a long time coming! Great to be back in cockpit........getting my six perforated just like the old days! :jump::redfire::dizzy:
Great to have you back. A lot has happened in 3 years.I still haven't loaded PTO RS yet so don't feel alone!! regards,Scott