Charter Member 2014
I am doing a complete reload of FS9, and this time, rather than just sticking stuff in there as I come across it, I am trying to plan my moves. As I do the vast majority of my flying in North America my inertest is in improving, specifically, the areas of Alaska and Canada. I can figure out most scenery and airport issues & improvements. What I would like some guidance on is tweaking the water and textures, landclass, etc. Maybe the clouds and weather, too. I’d like my mountains to look a little more like rocks and a little less like piles of cake frosting. I realize that FS9 has many limitations due to the nature of it’s programming but I’d like to do what’s possible given those constraints.
Also, my computer is not Superman. It’s an almost 3 y/o DELL XPS 630i running Windows Vista. intel CoreDuo e8500/ nvidia 9800GT/ 4mb ddr2 ram. I’ve got a fair amount of HD space to work with. I really just want a slightly enhanced environment in which to fly, without massive changes to my mid-level system and a big drag on it’s ability to run smoothly.
I figure that if there is anybody that can help me out, it’s all the great folks that frequent SOH. Thanks in advance for any and all replies/responses. LA
P.S. I am a disabled retiree operating on a miniscule (read: virtually nonexistent) budget. I blew my FS wad when I was still working as a Fire/EMS Dispatcher and actually had a bit of discretionary cash.
Also, my computer is not Superman. It’s an almost 3 y/o DELL XPS 630i running Windows Vista. intel CoreDuo e8500/ nvidia 9800GT/ 4mb ddr2 ram. I’ve got a fair amount of HD space to work with. I really just want a slightly enhanced environment in which to fly, without massive changes to my mid-level system and a big drag on it’s ability to run smoothly.
I figure that if there is anybody that can help me out, it’s all the great folks that frequent SOH. Thanks in advance for any and all replies/responses. LA
P.S. I am a disabled retiree operating on a miniscule (read: virtually nonexistent) budget. I blew my FS wad when I was still working as a Fire/EMS Dispatcher and actually had a bit of discretionary cash.