RE: New 'look' to FS9 aircraft air file?

brad kaste

Charter Member
RE: New 'look' to FS9 aircraft air file?

This is a new one on me. When I opened an aircraft's folder yesterday I noticed the air file looks different. Much different. Not just the generic look of a typical file. It now looks like a brown colored box. The aircraft all seem to fly OK. I've enclosed a photo of the stock Cessna 172 folder.
Would anyone know why....maybe something I did,....that caused the air files in all the aircraft look like a brown box? And if possible,..can one turn it back to how it originally looked?
Something that you installed recently seems to have set a file association for .AIR's. If you were to change it back to what it looked like originally, then it might mess up the other program.

Hope that that helps.
you updated your Adobe software and now Adobe Air is associated with all .air files.

No worry FS will not care at all.
Dangerousdave,'re right! I upgraded my Adobe from 8 to 9 three days ago. I'll take your word for it,...FS will not care at all. It still seems odd though..........................:kilroy:
Download Air Ed and tell it to be associated for air files. when you reboot it will show the air ed program instead. My system did the same thing the other day when I updated adobe.

Their are a limited number of 3 character file extensions that can be created. I have an old software that backs up NEC phone systems. The file it creates as the backup is a .mp3 file. Seem strange no not at all. This program was out and backing up phone systems before the music .mp3 file was created.

When you tried to open the .air file with adobe it falls on its face with an error message...

The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author.

So Adobe will never be able to use these files.

FS will not care because it never needed the file association anyway. It simply looks for the .air file in the aircraft folder and uses it.
The association has changed, and so the icon has changed with it, but the file itself is untouched. The same thing happens with mp3, jpg, wmv files and others if you install a new program and it changes the association, eg RealPlayer, Winamp, Irfanview. They will open automatically in the new prog, but you can still run the old and open them from the file menu if you prefer.
"The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author."

You know how many planes I got rid of early on because of getting that message! :faint:

Ok, probably not that many. But thanks for clearing that mystery up.
If you're using XP, right click on the file & select "open with" - in this case notepad. It will ask if you always want to use notepad for that type of file. Click "yes". That changes the association back to what it should be.

I had the same problem when I updated Adobe . I was told to uninstall the program called Adobe Air that came with
as part of the Adobe package . I did and everything is back as it should be . The Aired icon is back and Aired opens the air files , with no problems . I also created a restore point just in case .
The air-files are good to be associated with Air-ed because then it's a simple double click to edit an air-file if needed (rarely needed anyway).


Edit: I don't like programs that associate files without asking permission. Mostly harmless but extra work for me.
Not a good idea to open .air files with notepad. They just gibberish to notepad. If you change anything, the file is totally flubbed. Use Air-Ed instead.