brad kaste
Charter Member
RE: New 'look' to FS9 aircraft air file?
This is a new one on me. When I opened an aircraft's folder yesterday I noticed the air file looks different. Much different. Not just the generic look of a typical file. It now looks like a brown colored box. The aircraft all seem to fly OK. I've enclosed a photo of the stock Cessna 172 folder.
Would anyone know why....maybe something I did,....that caused the air files in all the aircraft look like a brown box? And if possible,..can one turn it back to how it originally looked?
This is a new one on me. When I opened an aircraft's folder yesterday I noticed the air file looks different. Much different. Not just the generic look of a typical file. It now looks like a brown colored box. The aircraft all seem to fly OK. I've enclosed a photo of the stock Cessna 172 folder.
Would anyone know why....maybe something I did,....that caused the air files in all the aircraft look like a brown box? And if possible,..can one turn it back to how it originally looked?