Re-paint of Mr Chris Herring's DH-4 Does Not Work

casey jones

Charter Member
I feel I am very good at adding re-paints to my planes but this time I have not been sucessful. I very much like to fly Mr Herring's DH-4 it is a true piece of history, then I saw a re-paint for it of the US Postal Service DH-4, hurray I thought just what I want...imagine my dismay when I went through the simple process of adding the US Postal re-paint to my DH-4,
I studied the re-paint instruction carefully, the instructions of the re-paint I think is by Mr Cook? Forgive me if I got it wrong (I hope not) The re-paint instructions said "You must use Mr Herring's DH-4 Observation version. I went through the process 10 times to no avail, the plane just showed up in blank gray colors. What can I be doing wrong?


Copy the top section of the config file, the part where the paints are listed. Seeing what is there will help us help you.

This is what probably goes wrong. The repaint is not for Chris Herring's DH-4 observation plane, but for the plain DH-4, which can be found here at the SOH downloads. Look for the DH-4 by NCgent in the FS2004 aircraft section.

After adding the texture to the aircraft folder and update the aircraft.cfg file. Delete the "M" in the [fltsim.1] section. Ohterwhise the plane won't show. After this all should work well.

title=DeHavilland DH-4M USPO
sim=DH-4 M<--- delete this M
ui_manufacturer=De Havilland
ui_variation=DH-4M, U.S. Post Office

Cheers Wim
The texture names in plane and paint are different .
Tried 2 more paints and they work good .
Found it.
The paint is for the DH-4 , not the DH-4 Observer .