re: whats the correct order of eto era's


Charter Member
re: whats the correct order of eto era's

want 2 make sure i dont put missions in wrong era's etc... / WHATS THE RIGHT ORDER : help :isadizzy:
Hello Dasgoot2002

I´ve gone through such a question before, so I took all the missions and campaigns I had downloaded, took the dates, and made a "timeline" in an Excel worksheet. The worksheet includes ETO, EFTO, MTO, miisions and campaign names, start and end date, file name, number of missions included in campaign or mission pack. It has filters so if you want you can see only what you want. All in all there are 919 missions in the worksheet. Enough to have someone "flying" for many months!!

Below you have a basic part of that worksheet. The campaign and stand alone missions time line ordered by starting date covering only the ETO, form from 01/09/39 to 17/03/45:

Poland (Krakov, Warsaw and Fall Weiss)
Swordffish Atlantic I
Heinkels Norway 40
BOF Stuka
Bardufoss Hurricane´s
Kondor and Dorniers Missions - Floatplane reconnaissance
BOB Stuka
BOB Hurricane
BOB Me109
BOB Me110
FvB_The Guns of Gris-Nez
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Stuka Party
FvB_Convoy attack off Calais
FvB_Gunboat Attack!
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: BoB NorthSea Intercept
FvB_No Quarter
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: BoB Hurricane Intercept
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: BoB Spitfire Intercept
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: BoB Bf109e Escort
FvB_Hunter and HuntedKondor Campaign
BOB Chianti flyers
BOB Corpo Aereo Italiani
Kondor and Dorniers Missions - Convoy defense
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Brest Bomber Escort
Swordfish Atlantic II
Heinkels The Artic Convoys
Mosquito Scuadron
Kondor and Dorniers Missions - First Blood
Kondor and Dorniers Missions - Bay of Biscay
Tirpitz missions
FvB_The Cobra's Fangs
FvB_Bootleg Baggage
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Mosquito
Battle for Europe Luftwaffe
Pound German Factory
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Medium Bomber Escort
FvB_Dover Ferry Run
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Italy Escort
FvB_Ships of Opportunity
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Night Intercept
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Heavy Bomber Intercept
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Heavy Bomber Escort
FvB_Strafe Trucks, Tanks, and Fuel Depot
RAF Spitfire Campaign
Dora and Pfeil Campaign -- Luftwaffe
FvB_Beachhead Defense
Double Trouble Mustang
Double Trouble Luftwaffe
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Medium Bomber Intercept
Dogfight pack-Western Europe-Airstart: Italy Intercept
FvB_Attack on St. Malo
Trial by Fire
Dark Knife
Of Buzzards and Swallows
FvB_Back to Bremen
New Years Party
FvB_Fortress Attack
FvB_Fat Cars

Bold letters meanes Campaigns. The names are the ones of the missions and campaigns. It may differ from the file names. Also I´ve found some mistakes to the dates I think I have corrected. (I hope).

Some of the missions and campaigns are old, some are new or were renewed by Rami and others :applause:. The new ones take advantage of aircrfat model updates, new skins, new scenery, etc. Thanks to all of the one´s who share their work with us!!:applause: And there are steel many campaign in the works. So these is something that must be updated as the game keeps transformig itself. If it keeps like these some time in the future we may taste the powder eggs pilots had for breakfast before a mission!!

Cheers, Discus
Originally posted by dasgoot2002
re: whats the correct order of eto era's

want 2 make sure i dont put missions in wrong era's etc... / WHATS THE RIGHT ORDER : help :isadizzy:

1)1936 missions
2)BoB missions
3)1943 missions
4)1944 missions
5)1945 missions

The missions of the era your game is in will be in the regular missions folder in case you are wondering what happened to them! It is recommended to put the game in era 1 when you add anything.

If you are not sure about the year of the mission, just open up the mission XML and it will have a date in there.:kilroy:
want 2 make sure i dont put missions in wrong era's etc... / WHATS THE RIGHT ORDER : help :isadizzy:

:kilroy:Dasgoot2002, here goes:

Rule # 1 = Always start ETO to Era 1 and then exit before installing anything, especially self-installers.

1. Era 1 = missions (folder name reads as 1936_missions while in any other Era).

2. Era 2 = bob_missions (folder name reads as missions while in Era 2, and reads as bob_missions while in any other Era).

3. Era 3 = 1943_missions (folder name reads as missions while in Era 3, and reads as 1943_missions while in any other Era).

4. Era 4 = 1944_missions (folder name reads as missions while in Era 4, and reads as 1944_missions while in any other Era).

5. Era 5 = 1945_missions (folder name reads as missions while in Era 5, and reads as 1945_missions while in any other Era).

Note: Each of these five folders contains a blank_mission.xml, a frontend.xml, and three folders: historical, training, and whatif.

The builder of an ETO mission will call for a specific Era for the mission in question. It is an absolute fact that the mission in question must be placed in the required Era, or problems may well occur, ranging from the mission not loading to a CTD. However, it not absolutely required to be absolutely correct with regards to historical, training, and whatif.

Historical refers to actual events, training refers to missions created for player training purposes, and whatif is events that never happened, but are of interest.

Note: Missions created for ETO probably will not work in Stock CFS3 with out crashing the sim.

Note: Missions created for Stock CFS3 may or may not work in ETO. Some can actually be edited to fit, but care must be taken.

I hope this helps. PM me if you have further questions or need other assistance.:d
grizz summary is the "BLUEPRINT " for what and whwere to add ive printed it as my bible for ETO ... application of where and what to put missions etc,,,,,,,and since ive done this and thanks to " grizzly50", my sytem and applications of ETO- run smooth and all print his summary above as your bible on ETO:
