Real Systems Module Fix 21-12-2021


Charter Member

A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 British Aircraft

Description: This download contains a fix for the Real Systems Module, released with the Spitfire Mk.VA package available here:

Some users encountered an error that prevented the Real Systems Module from initializing the aircraft systems code at the start of a flight. The file included in this download will resolve that issue. Users who have not encountered this issue will still benefit from this fix in the form of faster and more reliable initializing of the systems code at the start of a flight. It is recommended that anyone using the Real Systems Module download and install this update. In addition, it is recommended that anyone using the earlier version of the Real Systems Module released with the Spitfire Mk.II package first upgrade to the newer version released with the Spitfire Mk.VA, and then install this update.


Copy Systems_Main.exe to the systems folder in your main CFS3 directory and overwrite the existing version of that file.

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