Realism Settings & Aircraft CFG Questions



First, I noticed bouncing with the Carenado Arrow adjusting the empty_weight_pitch_MOI setting pretty much solved the issue same with Seneca and C152 but I noticed I have more planes like Lionhearts TailWind, Alphsims Rutan 61 do the same type of bouncing when landing or going over a certain speed

My question is what would that setting affect?

Second, I fly on easy right now I thought about moving the genreal realism setting all the way over to the right does anyone else fly with that custom settings?
I fly with all my sliders full right except for crash tolerance, which is full left. But I don't really see some of the takeoff quirks of taildraggers since I use auto-rudder due to my lack of pedals.
I use to fly full right sliders but ... full right + helicopter <> a real flying helicopter. :mixedsmi: Once you grasp this you may fly a helo :) :icon29:

LouP :wiggle:
I've always had all sliders full right. It makes things more challenging (even can fly helos :) ). I don't think it affects the bouncing on runways thing you're referring to but the crash detection can be annoying at times due to overly large crash zones on some scenery objects. Freeware Christchurch or Wellington NZ are good examples; it's better to turn building crashes off there.
I should say your preference as toward realism settings is just that; yours. Ultra hard settings dont make one person a better sim-pilot than another, it's all about personal enjoyment IMHO.

There are a few more parameters than those you mentioned that can be responsible for bumpies and such. Contact points would be the next port-o-call. There is a lot at SOH on these, more than I can cover here so a search will turn up lots of good stuff for you to read. For starters look at the aircraft cfg for the default Cessna as it labels most of the lines and what they affect.