Realism settings challenge

Pat Pattle

For those that like a challenge, go into your cfs3 config and uncheck the following boxes..'advisor messages' and 'simulation warnings'.

This removes all text so that other than wingman chat you're flying 'on your own'. You'll have to remember to start engines and remove the brakes yourself for instance as you won't get a prompt! :) Also you won't know you've been hit or are hitting something else in combat.

I've been using this for a while now and find it more immersive as you get a better sense of the confusion of battle.

Pat :)
I know this is going to sound dump, but I don't see those boxes in my cfs3 config. Am I missing some other update?
I also fly without text, most of the time. And quite often after being shot at, I have to go to an external view to understand I lost a wing or only have the cockpit part of the aircraft still flying !

Is it realistic to sustain such a level of damage and not have an awful crack sound to warn about ?

Subsidiary question : is there a way to attach a sound to loss of a wing or another part of the aircraft ?
I also fly without text, most of the time. And quite often after being shot at, I have to go to an external view to understand I lost a wing or only have the cockpit part of the aircraft still flying !

Is it realistic to sustain such a level of damage and not have an awful crack sound to warn about ?

Subsidiary question : is there a way to attach a sound to loss of a wing or another part of the aircraft ?
yes I'm pretty sure you can. IIRC Charlie made a lot of sounds associated with damage effects. also there is an addon for a pilot scream? This should explain how the sound is associated with a damage effect.