really hate to beat a dead horse


I hate to bring this topic up again ,but when you add scenery isn't it supposed to go into the scenery config file?
I still can't find mine other than the one from disk one that I put under application data. If I add scenery it doesn't go in there. If I hadn't deleted both the scenery config and scenery txt. file in the first place ,to get rid of the 77% hangup , I wouldn't be worried ,but if I screw up some scenery and get that error message that it can't find scenery in a certain scenery area I wouldn't be worried,(also my extreme anxity condition makes me worry about this kinda stuff) I had to have a scenery config file hidden somewhere before ,because fs9 was running fine after I deleted the scenery config and scenery txt. file before.
If they are in fs9 could someone tell me what I'am supposed to look for?
I did a file to file search and found nothing that said scenery config file or scenery txt file.Is it somewhere in the scenery folder?
The one I put in from disk one looks just like the one ,someone (i can't remember his name, copied for me in his post.
I hate to keep harping on this ,but FS9 in running fine and if I mess up some scenery ,I'll have to reinstall fs9. Hope this all makes sense,sorry I also have OCD of course.
When you have Windows 7 there are three locations FS stores a scenery.cfg file.

When you make changes to the scenery it only adds the entry in one of those files.

My experience is that it make the change in this one.

C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\scenery.cfg

The problem I found was when I removed scenery it did not always remove the changes from that scenery.cfg file.

What I did to correct that was make scenery.cfg file in the Virtual store and in the AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FS9 READ ONLY.

This forced FS to make all the changes to the scenery.cfg file in the root directory of FS9 and solved all of my issues with scenery.
mine doesn't go any farther

I go to C:\{User\{username\App Data|local\Virtalstore\windows ,then that folder is empty,and thats as far as I can go.Under ,program files it goes(x86)\
Microsoft Games\flight simulator 9 ,then it has the last plane I loaded and thats it.
How do you make a scenery cfg file in Virtualstore and in app data\roaming\Microsoft\FS9 READ ONLY?
I don't think it is as complicated as all that. Windows should find the bloody file since it has to be there, evidenced by the fact that the sim runs.

I would try refining my search parameters a couple different ways
s*.cfg should return a lot of files including the elusive one.

I'll try

I'll try a search ,but if someone would just tell me where the scenery cfg and txt file are at in their sim and does it say scenery cfg ,it would greatly simplify matters.I'am really sorry for keeping posting on this ,but it would be a relef to find it. I don't want to make anyone upset with me, so if I can't find it ,I'll just put in simple scenery and be very careful I don't screw up.Thanks
put away your weapons

You don't have to shoot me ,I found it, not by doing the search ,although that did bring up a bunch of scenery cfg's it didn't say where they were.
So I opened up CFS3 to see where the files were and thought that might work for FS9.
I opened up the root folder and there it was with all the scenery I've added since I reinstalled as well as the default scenery.
Thankyou all so much for not putting a hit out on me, and your undying patence and help ,except for Stefan ,who gets a little testy sometime. (I'am just kidding Stefan) ,your a great friend.
Could have sworn that's where we said it is in the first place 😜

Once you see them in the list after searching the easiest way to get to the location is to right click the files one at a time and then select "open file location" or similar.

Ask anyone who knows me, mildly testy is my default state 😄

Now that you have the correct scenery.cfg file make a copy of it outside of FS and if you run into trouble after installing a new scenery simply copy the working one back into the main folder.

that is what you said

You guys did say it should be in the root folder.I couldn't find it by opening the folder just along the left side and going through each folder in the list.
The only way I found it was by expanding the root folder to the main (right hand page) . Then after scrolling down it jumped right out at me. I still couldn't find the scenery txt file but it's either not nessary or hidden but at least I found the cfg.
As for you being testy ,thats one of your enduring ,loveable traits.( Really your not testy ,but it's hard to get across what someone means sometimes from typing)As you always say Stefan cheers.
Just glad you got it finally mate. The rest is one of those stories told around a campfire at a Techsupport convention :) :)

But seriously, if I may. Before you invest too much time and sanity on re-building FS consider creating a backup option for the whole thing. And then as you build it stick to that process like religion.

Unfortunately this is one of those things that is hard to do over a forum and much better by someone in person and on-site. It does cost a few $$s to do right, but not really a fortune compared to the time you waste rebuilding a great setup if it fails for one reason or another.

Talk to folks you know and trust about what you are trying to do and see what they can come up with. In the end need to end up with a way to have the entire FS safely stored on a drive that will not blow up or get infected, damaged .... No matter what.
Worst case scenario you simply install a fresh copy of FS and then run it once. Then manually replace that folder structure with the one from the backup and within.........let us say in a day you are back to where the failure occurred.

I picked up a 500g portable HD for use with a laptop that plugs in and is powered by USB for about $50 a year or two ago to back up FS on. Some of the best money I've spent on FS.
sorry I haven't replied

I'am sorry I haven't replided to your posts but am in the midst of a personnal crisis and flight sims are the last thing I have been thinking about. On Wed. this week we are going to have our dog of 14 years put down. She has cancer and her kidneys are failing , but it still is a hard decision to make.
As far as Stefan's advice ,it's very god advice and I did copy my scenery cfg to a place outside the sim.
As far as backups go I have a 2 TB external hd that I had my flight sims backed up on but when I made the switch to windows 7 only two ,CFS3 and IL2 Forgotton Battles would run. The others gave me an error message about missing Dll files and wouldn't run.
Since I'am 65 now I don't think I'am going to worry about backing anything up. When they go they go.
I have a new computer which is no garentee that things won't go wrong ,but if I lose some or all my sims ,I think my simming days are over.
Meanwhile I'll keep plugging along asking my dumb questions.Thanks
Sorry to hear about your dog. That is a tough call to make. They truly become mans best friend in a way only those who have lived it can understand.

If you start with a fresh install all the missing dll files etc are created in the right places.
Then you must run that new FS once to create the user files in the correct locations.
After that you should be able to simply rename that new FS main folder and the copy the entire backup folder from the external drive.

For example if the active FS folder is in C:\FS9
1. Rename that folder to C:\FS9_new
2. Copy the entire backed up folder from the external drive to your C: drive
3. Rename if needed to C:\FS9

On the first run this version may need to rebuild a database or two but it should work. The only exception are pay ware aircraft and scenery which may need to be re-installed properly if they require a dedicated entry in the Windows registry.

Hurricane you are truly blazing the path for myself and everyone else destined to switch to W7. I have been following every step and making notes and bookmarks because I prefer not to fall into pitfalls that ought to have been learned. Sorry to watch you do the hard work but I really do appreciate your determination. Real sorry about the loss too, been through it many a time and it never changes.