Rear view with TrackIR



Hi all,
I saw a thread in which it was stated that it was not possible to view your 6'o'clock using TrackIR. Nuff said me thinks :applause:
Track IR

Hi all,
I saw a thread in which it was stated that it was not possible to view your 6'o'clock using TrackIR. Nuff said me thinks :applause:
Don't know if this is what is going on, but I have trouble with my Track IR. Let me explain, whenever I turn to my right to view my 6 o'clock my view gets stuck in that 6 o'clock position. No problem from the left.
Open trackir and edit the profile. there is a window that will show the centering position of your reflector to the sensor. It should be as centered as possible and make sure there's not a lot of light behind you....sun, lamp, etc.
Also, try setting the all views to 'custom' and without any adjustments. That's how I've got mine set.