As I will be installing CFS3 on a new much better rig can anybody give me a link to the recommended ad ons. I saew them a while back. I have been running WM Scenary and Firepower on my old rig. Had a search but cant find them.
Many thanks for those. My new PC has just arrived while I was writing this. I have just done a search for Johno' scenery, V3 in the add ons and cant find it. I have WM 4.6, can it been installed over the the top or should I un -install WM first. My CFS3 folder has;
Just Flight BOB
Mosquito Combat over Europe
I might try reinstalling BOB as I get a lot of lines and rectangles across the screen. Also I I would like to have a go at instaling Fox effects.
Thanks for the link. Do you have one to where the recommendations for the CFS3 configuration utility is.
Try this thread over at Netwings for some good pointers. It's only 18 months old, so still useful on today's gear.:gossip:
but the link to the Groundcrew site is no longer valid. Anyone still got the Groundcrew tweaks guide?