Recommended ad ons


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As I will be installing CFS3 on a new much better rig can anybody give me a link to the recommended ad ons. I saew them a while back. I have been running WM Scenary and Firepower on my old rig. Had a search but cant find them.
As I will be installing CFS3 on a new much better rig can anybody give me a link to the recommended ad ons. I saew them a while back. I have been running WM Scenary and Firepower on my old rig. Had a search but cant find them.

:kilroy:Grahamfox, here you go:

Johno' scenery, V3 is best. Right here at SOH.

Firepower is payware. I think their site has moved.

A. Add-On Games:

1. CFS3 ETO Expansion Add-on game and it's Updates: right here at SOH, follow the link instructions in Post #1 in this thread:

2. PTO Solomons: The link to the last Update, 1.54 is right here in Post #1 in thread here at SOH:

3. MAW:

4. Korean Skies (jets): When you get there, go to the tab labeled Base Ops

5. OFF (Over Flanders Fields): They are getting ready for Phase 3, which will be payware. Right now, their site seems to be down.

B. Aircraft et al:

1. AvHistory: The best aircraft around.

2. Reg's Hangar: The old Groundcrew stuff is here, too, along with Bravo/4 skins.

3. Right here at SOH, under the CFS3 add-ons.

Good luck and have fun.:d
Many thanks for those. My new PC has just arrived while I was writing this. I have just done a search for Johno' scenery, V3 in the add ons and cant find it. I have WM 4.6, can it been installed over the the top or should I un -install WM first. My CFS3 folder has;
Just Flight BOB
Mosquito Combat over Europe
I might try reinstalling BOB as I get a lot of lines and rectangles across the screen. Also I I would like to have a go at instaling Fox effects.
Many thanks for those. My new PC has just arrived while I was writing this. I have just done a search for Johno' scenery, V3 in the add ons and cant find it. I have WM 4.6, can it been installed over the the top or should I un -install WM first. My CFS3 folder has;
Just Flight BOB
Mosquito Combat over Europe
I might try reinstalling BOB as I get a lot of lines and rectangles across the screen. Also I I would like to have a go at instaling Fox effects.

:kilroy:Grahamfox, right here at SOH. Here's the link to the page they're on:

Starting with the 9th entry down the page. There are six parts:

part6 of jbsceneryV3 (
part5 of jbsceneryV3 (
part4 of jbsceneryV3 (
part2 of jbsceneryV3 (
part3 of jbsceneryV3 (
jbsceneryV3 ( one is part1)

You need all six parts. Follow the readme in part1. This is excellent stuff. Good luck.:d
Thanks for the link. Do you have one to where the recommendations for the CFS3 configuration utility is.

:kilroy:Grahamfox, you don't need a link for that. It's in your CFS3 main game folder. Look for the icon with the wrench in the gunsight. Click on it and wait a few moments. To set your sliders, click on the File tab, adjust your sliders, then hit Enter. Good luck.:d
Try this thread over at Netwings for some good pointers. It's only 18 months old, so still useful on today's gear.:gossip:

but the link to the Groundcrew site is no longer valid. Anyone still got the Groundcrew tweaks guide?

:kilroy:Hairyspin, is this it? Crew Design CFS3 2048x2048 settings.php If so, then it's obviously still in the Groundcrew section of Reg's Hangar, here: Just look in the Garage Corner section.:d

When you install ETO it will have Johnno's scenery, mine and Fox's effects, 46th scenery, ACC Airfields, NEK and everyhthing else except the kitchen sink.

There are also a lot of new weapons, gunms flak etc.Eto is nothing like CFS 3 totally different.

Also please note that ETO, MAW, and PTO should all be made as separate installs using a vanilla CFS3 + the 2 CFS3 updates. Do not try and put them all one one install.
This is all very helpful stuff. I have been seeing references to ETO but didnt know what it was, I have been out of touch for a while. Thanks everybody.