Recommended Payware


Charter Member 2015
Hello Everyone:

I've been gone from flightsimming since FS2002 and CFS2, but am slowing trying to get back into it.:isadizzy:

This site awesome!

I really learned alot from the "freeware gems" thread.

What payware would you recommend?
I'm assuming you mean planes.
Carenado (172, 182, T-34, etc.)
Golden Age Simulations
MAAM (anything)
Lionheart's stuff
Just to name a few.
The list can go on and on.
I'm sure more will be posted. It really matters on what your tastes are.
What do you like to fly? Warbirds, GA, Tubes, Military Jets?
Lot's of good stuff out there. And some of it cheap too.
for planes :
- all carenado airplanes
- all lionheart packs
- A2A also makes a lot of great planes
- the beaver cub and katana by aerosoft are also beautiful planes,5420620770
- all skyunlimited and flight replicas planes are also really good
- alphasim has a great collection of planes worth checking out . i have a few of them ( rutan 61 long EZ , martin mars , sea king , V22 osprey ) and besides being sometimes simple in functionality , they are definitely very nice airplanes
- THE best payware modern military plane IMO is still the cloud 9 F4 phantom
- all planes by FSD
a lot more great planes out there and too many to list

- edit : yeah , forgot real air :
If you want some nice vintage aircraft...I'm talking VINTAGE...check out TopFlightSimulations. The prices on these planes are very very easy on the wallet....the guy who makes these planes does it to make a little extra money to suppliment his disability income.

While not up to snuff with the big box payware firms, his planes are well done and a joy to fly.

I think supply and demand is working in your favour, is you're interested in payware. FSD has reduced prices on its planes, and Carenado had some deals over Christmas. The discounting suggests to me that sales have dropped off drastically.

I own FSD's Commander 115TC and Piper Navajo, and both are excellent. Lionheart's Bellanca Viking is a work of art and Carenado's aircraft are great too.
I recommend Carenado planes. Pick one you like. I love their 182 RG and Piper Archer II.

AS did a brilliant homebuilt Rutan Canard plane that is quite realistic inside and out. Awesome bird...

Eaglesoft have some nice lineups of Executive aviation as well as a very nice Columbia 2 place.

We really need to know though what kind of planes you like... Are you into everything? or are you into military aviation, tube liners, biz jets, biplanes, low wing general avaition, etc, etc..

Theres so much.. .

Including boats.. Cars... Collecting custom scenery, photo real terrain.. You name it. So much to get for FS.

For Aircraft I highly recommend Lionheart's Epic, Tailwind, and my faverite the Kodiak.

Scenery is depended on your flying region. For instance in Fall/winter I fly in the Canadian Arctic. No payware there, but in Fs9 your in luck Pete and sidney did a wonderful set of scenery and also CYZF 2010 with static Ai painted by wild bill. For summer anything goes in the Caribbean. Payware Tropicalsim and Fly Tampa. If im in Europe its Aerosoft, down under The RealNZ collection, and the Legacy Freeware Voz for Australia.
The only payware aircraft I use a lot is the Captain Sim C130, if you can buy it on CD it saves a lot of hassle, their customer support is bad!
Thought I'd chuck in a few kerosene converters...

Cloud9 F104,Phantom and Fiat 'Gina' G-91
Bear Studios Mig17
Captainsim 727,707,Mig21
VRS F/A-18 ---> if you have the rig to run it!


Thanks everyone!

I like to dabble with a little bit of everything, but I'm usually flying something with a prop.

From way back when I purchased the MAAM B-25, and that turned out to be a favorite in FS2002, and is also in FS2004. I also really enjoyed the Pilot's B314, but haven't messed with that one too much lately.

With so many talented folks turning out such awesome freeware, my expectations for payware are high. . . or maybe I'm just cheap!
I still have the Pilots B 314 but cannot get it to work correctly in Fs9.
For warbirds get the Wings of Power heavy bombers cd,,pick one up used for about 20 or 30 bucks,,you will get the nicest B 29, B17, B 24 and others that I have seen.
Payware scenery must haves:

FSGenesis 38-meter and 76-meter mesh.

Ground Environment Pro

All of the Ultimate Terrain series; USA, Canada, Europe

REX-2004 or Active Sky 6.5 with Pablo's freeware HDE clouds.

There's lots of good payware aircraft suggestions here - I have wayyy too many of them :) So I'll stick to suggestions relating to applications and hardware. Applications that are a must have for me include FSNav (no longer available I believe - anyone suggest an alternative?) and Pete Dowson's FSUIPC. The latter is a must have as many addons (freeware and payware) use functionality from it. There's a free version and a payware version which has much more functionality.
Another really cool app came as part of Lago's Tornado & F16 models. They featured an air to air refuelling application which works with any aircraft and allows the pilot to call a tanker and conduct an air to air refuel. Great challenge. I still have that app long after I've dropped the aircraft model. Lago seem to have vanished but I see the F-16 with the app is still available at Simmarket. If you're military-inclined there's also some great carrier landing applications (freeware) and a number of Carrier sceneries, all freeware. Oh, and I agree with Cazzie, ActiveSky 6.5 hugely improves the flight environment. Not sure what the preferred ground environment package is. Might look at Cazzies suggestions.
For Hardware, the single best investment I've made for FS in years is Track IR, a device which allows the viewpoint in the sim to follow your head movements. Talk about revolutionise your game!

That's my 2c worth :)

I like to dabble with a little bit of everything, but I'm usually flying something with a prop.

Although I stated in my earlier post "anything from RealAir or A2A" if I had to single out a recommendation, for a first payware purchase, it would have to be the RealAir Scout 2006 package. It comes in a variety of models, looks fantastic and handles beautifully. I highly recommend you check it out: