Red Box


Okay, so I have this little red rectangle floating in my VR headset. It is showing something about the CPU/GPU usage. For the life of me, I have NO idea how it got there (I am sure I turned in on and don't remember) or how to get rid of it. It is not the Developer FPS box.

Anybody know what this is, and more importantly, how the heck I can get rid of it?
Okay, so I have this little red rectangle floating in my VR headset. It is showing something about the CPU/GPU usage. For the life of me, I have NO idea how it got there (I am sure I turned in on and don't remember) or how to get rid of it. It is not the Developer FPS box.

Anybody know what this is, and more importantly, how the heck I can get rid of it?

You might want to check your Developer mode settings by hovering the mouse in top left corner of your screen and see if you have the FPS counter on. Don't have a VR headset but that may be it?
Get out of the VR mode (CTRL+TAB) => do you see the FPS counter on your computer screen ? If so, you need to disable it from the menu bar, which appears if you are in developer mode.
It is not the Developer's FPS or anything to do with Developer's menu. The red box only shows in the headset. It must be something with the VR?