Red Brake and differential brake not showing

gray eagle

P3D V3.4 - The red brake light is not showing in the lower left corner of P3d. Any sort of brake lites for that matter. The Logitech stick I use was calibrated and does have control of stopping and
all other functions of any aircraft I load.

In the P3dcfg file:


The red slew light is not showing either.

I'd hate to reinstall P3d just to get that fixed.

Did you try:
  1. "." for brakes on and off?
  2. "CTRL" + "." for parking brake on and off?
Did you try:
  1. "." for brakes on and off?
  2. "CTRL" + "." for parking brake on and off?

Yep, and I forgot to mention the SLEW light on the right lower corner isn't showing either. I can do all the functions it is just there are no lights like there use to be when I
use these controls.

in my Prepar3d.cfg :


True= on

So for all the above functions, I see no indicator lights on the monitor like I recently saw. Now, they are gone.

I notice that if you remove that file, P3D will build a new one.

I can disengage the joystick= Ctrl + K and using just the keyboard the problem is still there.
Would it have anything to do with changing the color of the text in the upper left?

Just a thought , but since I changed the color of my text my brakes still show

Another thought: Did you try to delete the P3d.cfg file and let it rebuild?
Another thought: Did you try to delete the P3d.cfg file and let it rebuild?

I forgot to make mention that I did do that and the problem still remains.
I know, I thought about the color change too being the problem, but if it still works for you.
Problem Resolved

I've got the info Brakes/Slew etc to display again.

I tried a few ideas, I did a drastic remove the Lockheed Martin folder in C:\Users\Appdata etc.
And wanted to see what P3D would do, much to my surprise, it fired up and the red brake/slew etc were back but I lost the original contents of the EXE and dll.
So, I kept the new P3dConfig file it make and restored everything else that was in the trash basket back to where it came from and tried P3D again.
I fired P3D again, still have the red brakes/slew etc and recovered my AI Ships/traffic tools drop downs. Now I am back to the red info on the upper left and before
I attempt to make them blue again, I'll save this P3d.cfg file somewhere just in case this problem returns.

So, I've learned that P3D is self healing in this regards that I deleted a bunch of stuff and it restored it back to a default state.
I still don't know what caused the issue in the first place. I saw one entry in the P3D cfg that has a color of 255.255.255 and equates to white or clear and that may be what
blanked out the red colors for the brakes and the slew. Just a guess.

Edit: I changed the InfoUpperLeftTextColorUser=0,0,255 (Blue) and that works again and the brake/slew lights still work. Phew.....
Settings in P3d

After I reset my settngs in P3D, I noticed this section of the setting page (Red Square) and I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut that one of those blocks was unticked, had to be, as it looks like you have
options to show individual information signs or not. Somehow, one or more of them was unticked.
