Reducing alpha channel in repaints


Charter Member
Hi. I have a problem with a repaint on the Lago/ Just Flight F-16. I have a D model repaint that has such a high alpha chanel, it is translucent. What would be the easiest way to reduce it?
You might want to post a screenshot so we can see what you're seeing. If I'm not mistaken, in FS9 the alpha channel is used for adjusting reflectivity rather than transparency. Are you familiar with Martin Wright's DXTBmp program for editing texture bmp's?
Yup export the alpha channel from DXTBMP, lighten it in your favourite paint programme, re-import, and you're good to go.
If it's translucent, then the model is set to use alpha as a transparency control, not for reflection. Without knowing more, my guess would be that the author of the repaint edited his/her model to use alpha for reflection, then painted up a reflective paint for that model. Then, when the paint was released, the author forgot to delete the alpha relections. The only place that alpha would work on your particular model would likely be the canopy. Best educated guess for your situation would be to change the alpha on your textures to pure white (255,255,255), except for any textures for the glass canopy.