Redwing 1049

No, no, no!! I have already died and gone to Heaven !! A man can only take so much, can't he.. And the 6 is not even here... Anyway...:

WOOOOHAAAAA!!! HOLYMOLY!!! Thanks very much, Pat !! :applause::ernaehrung004::jump: :applause:


Nice, hadn't heard about this one. Looks like it's quite far along too. It's great to see so many great planes coming for our wallets! :biggrin-new:

- dcc
Going to need to wait and see on this one - it's another release-incomplete, free-updates-to-follow project. Judging from the timeline (at the bottom of the linked page), there's a long way to go. Especially with a developer that's new to aircraft (they've got a few airport sceneries to their name), I'm inclined to let other friends take the plunge first. Your mileage may vary, of course.
Going to need to wait and see on this one - it's another release-incomplete, free-updates-to-follow project. Judging from the timeline (at the bottom of the linked page), there's a long way to go. Especially with a developer that's new to aircraft (they've got a few airport sceneries to their name), I'm inclined to let other friends take the plunge first. Your mileage may vary, of course.

Well, atleast great to know a Connie is in the works for MSFS, don't you think, Alan ?

Two announcements of native MSFS vintage propliners in about one week.. Who could've seen that coming a while ago... I even have the feeling that the AH Spitfire Mk.1 is put on hold in favor of the completion of the AH DC-3.... ( just kidding, Baz... ;-)

Propliners Rule ! :ernaehrung004:

Edit: ahem.... almost forgat the Clipper... but can we call it a propliner ?... ( a Boatliner maybe ?.... a Fatliner ?....(sorry B314 fans, no offans)
Edit: ahem.... almost forgat the Clipper... but can we call it a propliner ?... ( a Boatliner maybe ?.... a Fatliner ?....(sorry B314 fans, no offans)

:::LOL::: The B314 was a propliner before the invention of the wheel ::LOL:: But you'd have to trace its lineage and pedigree to see that ;)
Well, atleast great to know a Connie is in the works for MSFS, don't you think, Alan ?

Absolutely! And a 1049, too!

Look, I'd like nothing better than to see these guys succeed. I'd like to see all the developers succeed. If they do, more airplane for us to enjoy.

I just don't want to get too hung up on it because a), they're new on the block, 2) work-in-progress projects make me a bit uneasy, and 3) I've learned over time not to fixate on flying particular types because if the simulation isn't good, it's just not fun. On the other hand, I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from really good simulations of airplanes I'd never have given a second thought to. Part of what the best developers give us is a discovery process.

Now, what I need from the 314 is for somebody to give me a nice boarding pier at a period recreation of the Marine Air Terminal at La Guardia. I used to go through there often back in the day when I was a regular on the Eastern and then Pan Am shuttle. A brief taste of the golden age before settling into the second-section flight (dating myself - this was when if a flight was full, they'd put a second airplane onto the line for the overflow passengers). Let me walk through there on the way to my Cllipper... and I'm good.

If I can take time away from my Six, that is...