Redwing Connie - Questions on a couple of mysteries.


I've enjoyed this aircraft since day one, but it seems after the last update or two, one of its oldest quirks has actually become worse.

Trying to accurately grab or manipulate almost anything on the FE panel has always been finicky or reversed on many or all of the switches. This really isn't too much of an issue on items that are either position A or position B. Where this seems to have become worse after this last update are specifically the Oil Cooler Flaps and the Cowel Flaps. They used to travel faster than I could out race the finicky switch position to stop them where I needed them, but with enough tries I could get them close enough. The problem that seems to have become worse with the latest updates is that now these two flaps move so quickly it is impossible to stop them anywhere between full open and full closed. This is made
worse by the up & down arrow click spots on the switches for both are almost impossible to re-find fast enough and seem to "migrate". Up is sometimes where down used to be and down is where up used to be a millisecond ago.

I've tried mapping at least the Oil Cooler & Cowel Flap controls to the keyboard and my X52, but it looks like Redwing uses non-standard programming for these.

I am one step in this process from letting Redwing know about my issue but wanted to check in here to see if anyone else sees this problem or have found a assignment/mapping solution work around.

The other question I have is that now that the Connie has the option for the GPS 650/650 in the VC, has anyone tried this and if so, which GPS product.

Thanks in advance.
I've enjoyed this aircraft since day one, but it seems after the last update or two, one of its oldest quirks has actually become worse.

Trying to accurately grab or manipulate almost anything on the FE panel has always been finicky or reversed on many or all of the switches. This really isn't too much of an issue on items that are either position A or position B. Where this seems to have become worse after this last update are specifically the Oil Cooler Flaps and the Cowel Flaps. They used to travel faster than I could out race the finicky switch position to stop them where I needed them, but with enough tries I could get them close enough. The problem that seems to have become worse with the latest updates is that now these two flaps move so quickly it is impossible to stop them anywhere between full open and full closed. This is made
worse by the up & down arrow click spots on the switches for both are almost impossible to re-find fast enough and seem to "migrate". Up is sometimes where down used to be and down is where up used to be a millisecond ago.

I've tried mapping at least the Oil Cooler & Cowel Flap controls to the keyboard and my X52, but it looks like Redwing uses non-standard programming for these.

I am one step in this process from letting Redwing know about my issue but wanted to check in here to see if anyone else sees this problem or have found a assignment/mapping solution work around.

The other question I have is that now that the Connie has the option for the GPS 650/650 in the VC, has anyone tried this and if so, which GPS product.

Thanks in advance.

best is letting Redwing know about the issue,
you find a link on there webside.

cheers Ralf
Thanks for the point to the PMS750. I installed it as soon as I saw your reply. Looks good in the Connie. I've grabbed the free version for now, to evaluate whether I want to bump that up to the premium.
I had looked at this one when first looking for the 750 to go in the Connie, but when I didn't see it in the compatibility list, I passed it up.

I actually went to go report this to Redwing this AM thru their website, but when I got there, I had forgotten that they don't have a standard comms route for issues. It looks like only Facebook, Twitter, and Discord. Facebook and Twitter are on the list of "not in a million years". I have Discord installed for use in beta testing, but I'm keeping it limited to that one group. Thanks though for getting back to me.

Discord is not my first choice,
but Redwing look at this,and it is very good to get help.
also next version is in a good time to report bugs.

Second for Discord. I asked about a couple of issues and they responded within 30 minutes. They were also very responsive to putting things in their bug tracker for addressing when able.
Guys, thanks for the help above.

Got the PM50 GTN750 installed right after I saw the answer in this thread. Also got the Cowl & Oil Cooler Flaps travel speed issue solved with the release of the L-1049 2.1 update. I had just updated to 2.0 a couple of days before 2.1 came out and thought I was flying the latest version.

Just finished my first real MSFS flight since getting hammered in this area by Hurricane Ian. Our area was in the eye wall for most of a day with winds at 130+. Took out both power poles behind my house, which pulled my power cable right out of my meter box. Lost both power & potable water, and my internet connection. Unlike Hurricane Irma when I had no power for about 3 months, the rescue crews in town got the power back up in about a week, water & internet back up a few days later.
